Adding a RECREUS flexible filament print profile in Prusa Slicer
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Adding a RECREUS flexible filament print profile in Prusa Slicer  

Eminent Member
Adding a RECREUS flexible filament print profile in Prusa Slicer


I've tried to find on forum an answer but it wasn't helpful to me so I put this question here:

-I would like to add Recreus' profiles for their flexible filaments which can be found on Recreus website:


How can I proceed?

Thank you in advance!

Posted : 17/06/2021 8:23 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Adding a RECREUS flexible filament print profile in Prusa Slicer

For some reason I don't seem to be able to download that file type from drive.  However a 3mf file is a project file in Prusa Slicer.  So open up the project see what it has in it.

A normal project usually has a model and profiles for print, filament and printer.  In this case I would expect it to be the filament profile you are interested in.   There are also options to import config from project under the file menu.  They all basically load in the settings.

Any profile loaded in as part of a project are temporary, in that once you close Prusa Slicer they are no longer available in the drop downs.  However they can be saved using Prusa Slicers usual save profile buttons (the disc icon), the only restriction is you cant use the same name as a system profile.  Once saved it is then added to your list of profiles and will then be available in future like any other profile.  

Posted : 18/06/2021 6:42 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Adding a RECREUS flexible filament print profile in Prusa Slicer


Thank you for your reply!

I've imported the project file ( FILAFLEX 95A.3mf ) - the .stl file inside is a cube having letters on each face, named xyzCalibration_cube.stl - but the filament set initially (before importing) doesn't change!

I can send the .3mf file but it is not possible here!

Posted : 18/06/2021 7:54 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Adding a RECREUS flexible filament print profile in Prusa Slicer


To attach anything but images here you have to zip it into an archive (.zip) file.  


Posted : 18/06/2021 8:05 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Adding a RECREUS flexible filament print profile in Prusa Slicer


I've tried to archive .3mf files but are not accepted for security reasons!


Posted : 18/06/2021 8:13 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Adding a RECREUS flexible filament print profile in Prusa Slicer


Did you read my previous post ?  You have to zip into an archive any files except pictures.  The forum will accept a file with a 3mf or anything else in it.  There are many zipped up 3mf files attached to posts on the forum.

Posted : 18/06/2021 2:20 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Adding a RECREUS flexible filament print profile in Prusa Slicer

Ok, never mind I'm at home now and after jumping through some hoops to get the file to download I have the 3mf from the site.  I also read your post again.  

I need to make myself clearer.  There are multiple options in Prusa Slicers file menu.  Each is designed to do slightly different things depending on what the user requires.  There are several ways you can can get the profiles.  The one you used is probably the only one that won't work.

Option 1 - File > OPEN the project.  This will load the project with the models and all 3 profiles.  That loads in the default calibration cube they used for their 3mf and a print, filament and printer profile.   You can then go to the filament tab and use the disc icon to save the filament profile to your settings.  As you are opening the project  it replaces everything, so any models you had on the player are gone.  

Option 2 - File > Import > Import Config From Project - this will just import the profile settings from an existing project 3mf file.  No objects/models are loaded and any models you have on the player will still be there.  This is useful if you want to slice some new objects with settings you have used before.  Once you get into the habit of saving a project for everything this becomes even more useful.

Option 3 -  File > Import > Import Stl/Obj/Amf/3mf/ - this imports JUST the models/objects WITHOUT importing the settings.  This of course is useful when you want to use your current settings to slice a pre-existing plater of objects.

Any profile loaded in these ways is not added to your settings unless you manually save the particular profile using the save button (the disc icon next to the drop downs on the profile tabs).

There are a couple of other File>Import options.  The Import Config is designed to import a config from an .ini file OR a Slicer generated gcode file.  That filament profile should have just been made into an ini file really to distribute it.  That's the normal way. 
You may not be aware but when you generate gcode from PS to send to your printer it also adds a listing of all the settings to the end of the gcode file.  This means you can load the settings from a saved gcode file if you didn't happen to save a project and that's all you have.

The final option on there is the File>Import>import Config bundle.  A Config Bundle can contain multiple print, filament and printer profiles.  All packaged up.  When you import a config bundle all of the contained profiles are imported AND added to your saved ones automatically.  So you don't have to save them individually.  

When you use File>Export>Export Config Bundle that's exactly what is saved.  It saves all of your custom print, filament and printer profiles into an .ini file.  It does NOT include any system profiles (like the prusa or creality ones etc).  Its a very useful way of saving snapshots and sharing profiles.  It is used  by many to move settings from one machine to another (I use it to move them between home and work machines sometimes). 

You can also File>Export>config which exports only the currently selected print,filament, printer profiles.  This option is basically what the people supplying that profile should have used.  I'm guessing that like many they arent aware of all the options available from the menu though.

Anyway I hope that will allow you to import the profiles you want.

Posted : 18/06/2021 2:50 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Adding a RECREUS flexible filament print profile in Prusa Slicer


I read your email but I don't know what it was in my mind because I didn't saw the button "Choose File" and instead I used "Add Media" one - which of course, doesn't work for this kind of file! I apologize for your time spent downloading the files which now are attached!

Your explanations are very clear and of course, it works! Seems that as I've chooses the wrong button in the same way I choose the wrong option! Now, after your very detailed options, all are clear and logical (I ask myself why I didn't try them because are so logical) 

Thank you very much for your time - it was very helpful to me!

Posted : 18/06/2021 4:18 pm