Add Connectors Without Cutting
Apologies if this isn't the correct spot for this question.
Is there a way to add connectors to a model in slicer without cutting? My models are split already into pieces before going in slicer but I want to connect them after printing. It seems like this could be a useful feature.
RE: Add Connectors Without Cutting
I’m not aware of any way to do that. Would make an interesting feature request on the PRUSA slicer GitHub if you want to go for it.
Very tricky to align in slicer; you can, of course, add and subtract shapes to/from your parts to make keys and keyways but this is much better done in the original CAD where you retain full control.
RE: Add Connectors Without Cutting
Yeah if you did the original model and split up up yourself then why not add in keyways to the model ? Presumably your CAD original has the parts aligned ?
I saw the request and it will be handy if Prusa do manage to figure out an easy way but I suspect its going to be technically challenging.
The current thing about cut is it is generating the 2 mating surfaces so adding a connector on the same spot on both is easy. With distinct different models how is the slicer supposed to know which surfaces match, and the angles ?
Cut a cylinder in parts and add 2 connectors, do-able. Have 2 cylinders added to the plater and add 2 connectors, how do you determine the rotation ? Not a problem with plain cylinders but with cylinders with stuff further up away from the connection points ? Far easier to add them to the original model to start with.