Help printing floating parts with Supports on the CORE One?
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Help printing floating parts with Supports on the CORE One?  

Eminent Member
Help printing floating parts with Supports on the CORE One?

Has anyone had success with printing objects that have supported free floating parts on the CORE One?

There’s something up with the profiles that seem to make this systematically impossible. Specifically, floating parts that start with very small cross sections which expand layer by layer eventually combining with the main body of the print that’s attached to the build plate.

I’ve attempted to do so across multiple different prints/objects that share this feature, with PLA and PETG, and I just cannot get it to work without spaghetti failures.

I’ve been printing at 0.1mm and 0.15mm layer heights.

Things I’ve tried:

* Avoid crossing perimeters option

* Structural preset + Stealth mode to slow the print down.

* On the layers where the free floating parts start up to where they eventually connect to the main body of the object, I inserted the custom gcode “M220 S50” at the start and “M220 S100” once it connects again (I’m not convinced this even worked, does the core one not interpret that correctly?)

* On one of my attempts where I was using the 0.1mm preset, since that’s a “fast” profile, I swapped in the slower speeds/accelerations from one of the structural presets.

I’m at my wits end. There’s something about these profiles that just don’t let me print supported floating parts without flicking off the pieces part way through and crashing out.

Help would be appreciated with the troubleshooting the root cause!

(i.e. splitting the part so that there aren’t floating pieces and re-attaching post print is not considered a legitimate solution.

My old MK3S could do this fine—my new core one which cost nearly double ought to be able to do the same...)

Images of example prints below:

Partially Sliced View

Full view

NOTE: My working theory is that the little floating bits are curling, resulting in the nozzle crashing into them, moving them around. The print pictured completed because the main body stayed anchored to the bed, but the arms got messed up.

I have tried various prints which have these kinds of floating features with Organic, Grid, and Snug supports. All of them have had the issue.

But the CORE One is an enclosed printer, so I would have expected to get LESS curling, and since the bed isn't moving around it's surprising to me that this is happening... either way don't know how to troubleshoot it--print with the door open? Aggressive Lift Z/Z-Hop?

This topic was modified 13 hours ago 3 times by LordMelkor
Posted : 13/03/2025 2:48 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

UPDATE: Have fixed it on my own. I didn't do a controlled test to see which parameters did it, but I have a hunch.

Things I did to allow the print to complete without issue (PETG, 0.1mm LH):

* Printer > Extruder 1 > Steeper Ramp before obstacles

* Print Settings > Layers & Perimeters > Avoid Crossing Curled Overhangs (Experimental)

* Filaments > Cooling > Speed for 25,50,75% overlap: set to 50, 40, 30 respectively.

* Open Printer door, disabled chamber heating, ran chamber fan at 20%

* Structural preset + Stealth mode to slow the print down.

* Inserted the custom gcode “M220 S50” at the start of floating sections and “M220 S100” once it connects again

Changes listed in order of likelihood that I think they affected the situation, from most likely to least likely.

This post was modified 8 hours ago 2 times by LordMelkor
Posted : 13/03/2025 7:30 pm
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