RE: Constantly recalibrating
Add me to the list. Found this thread when mine did the recalibrate for about 5 min a couple times which I reset each time. After the third reset and waiting another 5 in it finally took.
My core one recalibrates home before every single print for almost 5 minutes. Is anyone else having this issue?
RE: Constantly recalibrating
Can you start a manual calibration of the Y axis (from the control menu)?
If this calibration takes a long time or fails you know at least what axis causes calibration problems.
If the Y axis is the problem on your printer too, I may have additional information for you. I'm in that boat😉 .
RE: Constantly recalibrating
Mk4S just got a new firmware update to 6.2.1 which claims…
Recalibration of X and Y Axes after reset
A bug causing MK4 series printers to lose their homing calibration upon startup has been fixed. This ensures that X and Y axes retain their calibration settings after a reset. Reported on GitHub #4185
Maybe that will apply to the Core One as well, when the update reaches it.
RE: Constantly recalibrating
I hope this too.
Mk4S just got a new firmware update to 6.2.1 which claims…
Recalibration of X and Y Axes after reset
A bug causing MK4 series printers to lose their homing calibration upon startup has been fixed. This ensures that X and Y axes retain their calibration settings after a reset. Reported on GitHub #4185
Maybe that will apply to the Core One as well, when the update reaches it.
RE: Constantly recalibrating
For my understanding a calibration that runs for 5 minutes or fails isn't caused by the software error that's been solved for the MK4.
I think it's a problem in the hardware that causes these problematic calibrations. I would suggests to manually start the calibration of the X, Y and Z axis to see what axis may have a problem. Knowing the source of a problem is the first step to solve it 😀 ...
Nach meinem Verständnis ist eine Kalibrierung, die 5 Minuten dauert oder fehlschlägt, nicht auf den Softwarefehler zurückzuführen, der für das MK4 behoben wurde.
Ich denke, es ist ein Hardwareproblem, das diese problematischen Kalibrierungen verursacht. Ich würde vorschlagen, die Kalibrierung der X-, Y- und Z-Achse manuell zu starten, um zu sehen, welche Achse möglicherweise ein Problem hat. Die Kenntnis der Ursache eines Problems ist der erste Schritt zur Lösung 😀 ...
Falsch gedacht, der Softwarefehler wurde endlich behoben, seit der Version 6.2.1 ist der Fehler endgültig Geschichte.
RE: Constantly recalibrating
Posted by: @hotend
Falsch gedacht, der Softwarefehler wurde endlich behoben, seit der Version 6.2.1 ist der Fehler endgültig Geschichte.
This bug explains that the printer might perform an unneeded calibration before the first print after powering it up.
But this bug doesn't cause the calibration to take 5 or more minutes like to topic opener and others have reported.
My core one recalibrates home before every single print for almost 5 minutes. Is anyone else having this issue?
On a printer with flawless hardware the calibration of all axles should be a matter of 10-20 seconds, not several minutes.
RE: Constantly recalibrating
Falsch gedacht, der Softwarefehler wurde endlich behoben, seit der Version 6.2.1 ist der Fehler endgültig Geschichte.
I think you misunderstood. Martin did not claim that firmware 6.2.1 would not succeed at fixing the Mk4s bug. Rather, he believes that the Core One issue with the never-ending calibration attempts is a separate issue -- which, after reading the problem description for the Mk4s issue, I am inclined to believe as well.
Also ich kann dir nur sagen, dass mein MK4s oft bis zu 50 mal angeschlagen hat, seit 6.2.1 ist das behoben. Er schlägt einmal in der X-Achse und einmal in der Y-Achse an und dann beginnt er zu drucken.
RE: Constantly recalibrating
Also ich kann dir nur sagen, dass mein MK4s oft bis zu 50 mal angeschlagen hat, seit 6.2.1 ist das behoben. Er schlägt einmal in der X-Achse und einmal in der Y-Achse an und dann beginnt er zu drucken.
Could you please post in English? This is the English forum after all, and it's a bit impolite to post in a different language towards those who don't speak it. Feel free to use translation software on your end if you are not comfortable with writing in English.
Außerdem kann ich dir nur sagen, dass mein MK4s oft bis zu 50 mal angeschlagen hat, seit 6.2.1 ist das behoben. Er schlägt einmal in der X-Achse und einmal in der Y-Achse an und beginnt dann zu drucken.
Könnten Sie bitte auf Englisch posten? Dies ist immerhin das englische Forum und es ist ein bisschen unhöflich, in einer anderen Sprache zu posten, wenn jemand diese nicht spricht. Wenn Sie sich nicht gut auf Englisch auskennen, können Sie gerne eine Übersetzungssoftware verwenden.
Sorry, it wasn't my intention to hurt your feelings. I hope you can still sleep well.
So I can only tell you that my MK4s often strikes up to 50 times, since 6.2.1 this has been fixed. It strikes once in the X-axis and once in the Y-axis and then the pressure goes off.
RE: Constantly recalibrating
I'm having the same issue
RE: Constantly recalibrating
Mine did the same thing for about 20 seconds (per axis) on the very first calibration, but has since settled down to 2 or 3 bangs per axis; still kind of annoying as I would think one would be sufficient. Have also had problems with unloading/loading filaments a couple of times: the Nextruder seems to be much more particular about how clean the pointy end of the filament is (compared to my old Mk3). Have also seen it eject and then retract multiple times for some reason, like it's pulling back to take another ram at the door... this is accompanied by some alarmingly loud clicks.
RE: Constantly recalibrating
Just wanted to say I'm too suffering this - it's very inconsistent and random - sometime once sometimes minutes. Once I did a reset as it felt like it could be causing itself damage. After the reset it worked...
RE: Constantly recalibrating
Mine is getting worse and doing this more often
It has even starting giving a warning about collision detected!
A forced reset tends to solve it!
RE: Constantly recalibrating
hopefully we receive friday a new software....
- calibrating very often and loud
- Ventilation every time very loud and not needed...
- warm up to 170 - cool down to 100 - wait 10 mins for temp calbration and then start up to 170...
- bad vibrations...
my mk4s print her day and night... but the core one looks nice but is soooo loud...
RE: Constantly recalibrating
Basically the same here. I have always two Cores per shelf, 20 Kilo pawer below, and one on top. What I am seeing is that most of the times there is not much of an issue. Although I don't think 20 bangs are necessary to home a printer. Klipper does that perfectly fine with 2. But, things get out of control if one of the printers is running at the same time and moving around a lot. I wouldn't say the vibrations caused are minor, but it should not affect the neighbouring printer so much that it goes on banging like a rabbit for a minute or so. Luckily it failed only once for me, but still: Why is autohome performed that way?
As I do design Klipper based printers I had to do the math (or at least started it): This can ony be autohome plus verification (which is smart). But the vibrations might just put the printer one millimeter off. So, that's what tolerances are good for. Granted, doesn't help after a crash and autohome as Prusa did that in the past, but I nver cared. The print is flawed anyway then. Plus the XL doesn't do that and I would see the tool changer a smore critical. So, totally fine with me would be: bang twice for autohome, bang twice again for verification. And if this is within tolerances so that the printhead still hits the bed with the model we are golden (lets say 1 mm off is ok).
RE: Constantly recalibrating
It's definitely not right - because it is so inconsistent.
It can even do it on a filament change.
Mine is a single printer on a table. With no other vibrations nearby.
The fact that it has twice now detected a collision error - while banging itself - feels like a self destruction routine.
And not always but a reset does sometime allow a simple double knock to calibrate.