Where do you post suggestions for improvements / new features for devs to consider?
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Where do you post suggestions for improvements / new features for devs to consider?  

Prominent Member
Where do you post suggestions for improvements / new features for devs to consider?

I have been 3D printing for a number of years now and one thing that happens occasionally with PETG (This is what I use mainly) is 'zits', or small accumulations of filament usually from stringing which come off the nozzle and form a small lump AKA zit.

Now these can cause a bump in printing and are definitely noticeable as a small thump when the head goes over one, and normally this is not a big issue.

Now I have a solution which I have been doing for years now, and that is to simply slow the print right down like to 20% or less even if really big zit, and what this does is it remelts the plastic where the zit is and squashes it down flat as the print nozzle has considerably more time in contact with the zit and eliminates it completely, once passed, i just turn the speed back up to 100% and continue printing.

Now, the new Nextruder has a load cell built in, and this thump as the print head rides over the zit will definitely be registered by the load cell, so my idea is, if the printer detects a zit, grab the X Y location and when the print head is about to pass this location again, slow right down (Tuneable) and iron the zit flat, then speed back up again and continue printing.

What are your thoughts, and where do you post suggestions like this if they are worthwile.



Normal people believe that if it is not broke, do not fix it. Engineers believe that if it is not broke, it does not have enough features yet.

Posted : 21/03/2025 9:52 pm
altaic liked
Illustrious Member

Dry your filament thoroughly and the zits don't happen.

Suggestions are best made on Prusa's GitHub.


Posted : 22/03/2025 12:13 am
Scotttomo liked
Illustrious Member
RE: Where do you post suggestions for improvements / new features for devs to consider?



Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 22/03/2025 12:23 am
Scotttomo liked