RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Imagine No.1 in the queue for kits gets there kit before batch 10 of an assembled unit? That goes against what they've stated.
Umm -- where do you see a contradiction? What have Prusa stated that would be in conflict with shipping kits in parallel with the remaining batches of assembled printers?
(Personally, I still think that the assumption is very plausible that the manufacturing and shipping rate of assembled units is limited by the available assembly technicians, i.e. labor time. Prusa may very well have plenty of materials for more printers and kits in stock.)
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
I just don't get why they can't give us a simple date? Prusa is literally the best 3d printer company in the world and you think they would have there production and shipping in order before there launch of the Prusa CORE One.
Where did you read that? It's certainly the first time I hear about it. I also doesn't really make sense, since people are not suddenly going to stop buying assembled Core Ones.
the announcement that all assembled batches would ship 'before' kits
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
I just don't get why they can't give us a simple date? Prusa is literally the best 3d printer company in the world and you think they would have there production and shipping in order before there launch of the Prusa CORE One.
Because if they gave a date, and something happened that delayed it people would throw even more of a fit than they are throwing now. And things happen all the time that cause delays. It's much better for a company to not promise a date, than to promise one and miss it.
Just look at what's happening already with them giving a very vague date and how people are acting.
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Your absolutely right Taubin!
Which is why I say we all move to a different topic, because arguing about it isn't going to make them ship faster.
So, what are guys looking forward to on the new CORE One?
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Imagine No.1 in the queue for kits gets there kit before batch 10 of an assembled unit? That goes against what they've stated.
Umm -- where do you see a contradiction? What have Prusa stated that would be in conflict with shipping kits in parallel with the remaining batches of assembled printers?
(Personally, I still think that the assumption is very plausible that the manufacturing and shipping rate of assembled units is limited by the available assembly technicians, i.e. labor time. Prusa may very well have plenty of materials for more printers and kits in stock.)
I thought they stated that pre-ordered assembled units would ship before kits? Based on that, and that pre-ordered units are only on batch 6 or 7, theres still batches through 13 to ship until kits start? Although, I may of course be mistaken with my thought of the batch schedule being only pre ordered assembled units. But I'm sure the website states that batches upto 13, maybe 14? Are for assembled units only? Again I apologise if I have my wires crossed here.
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Where did you read that? It's certainly the first time I hear about it. I also doesn't really make sense, since people are not suddenly going to stop buying assembled Core Ones.
the announcement that all assembled batches would ship 'before' kits
I should have said, 'pre-ordered' assembled units. Apologies for my mistake.
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
I thought they stated that pre-ordered assembled units would ship before kits? Based on that, and that pre-ordered units are only on batch 6 or 7, theres still batches through 13 to ship until kits start? Although, I may of course be mistaken with my thought of the batch schedule being only pre ordered assembled units. But I'm sure the website states that batches upto 13, maybe 14? Are for assembled units only? Again I apologise if I have my wires crossed here.
My understanding of the list of batches on the "Shipping Information" page, and the chat quote which @giorgio1 just shared, is as follows: Prusa is using the planning mechanism of "batches" for the assembled printers only. Maybe because they assemble them in batches, say 25 sets of modules and then 25 printers at a time?
For kits, maybe they will not use the "batch" principle at all, because it is just a steady stream of packing up and shipping materials. (Once that stream eventually starts flowing...) Or maybe they did not get to that stage of detailed planning yet, and will group the kit orders in batches later.
But what I don't think they stated is: "There are no kits included in those batches, and there will be no kits until all these batches have shipped."
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Prusa have never been good with communication. Its the same issue with every single release - they just fail to communicate progress with their buyers. It wouldn't make anything any quicker, but it would help reduce a lot of frustration for buyers rather than just being kept in the dark. Unfortunately I don't think they will ever change - they certainly haven't learnt from previous releases!
As a newcomer to the 3D printing scene, it seems as though they're rushing out the product. I looked at Prusa a while ago now when a favourite YouTuber This Old Tony, and the price put me off then, plus I 'wanted' and didn't need one. So it took a back seat. Fast forward a year or so, and I'm invested in a kit for a Core One.
Though, it seems more and more that the launch is haphazard, there's issues with communication, quality, firmware and people are taping up their machines to fix doors and remedy vibrations? It's not what I expected at all but seems to be the norm for most? I sort of wished I had stayed away from this forum, as Ive found that the issues mentioned seem to be somewhat 'normal' but it certainly has been an eye opener to one of the industry front runners.
I'm still not cancelling, I'm in too deep and hopefully known issues will be ironed out by the time my kit arrives and I've built it 😅
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
I thought they stated that pre-ordered assembled units would ship before kits? Based on that, and that pre-ordered units are only on batch 6 or 7, theres still batches through 13 to ship until kits start? Although, I may of course be mistaken with my thought of the batch schedule being only pre ordered assembled units. But I'm sure the website states that batches upto 13, maybe 14? Are for assembled units only? Again I apologise if I have my wires crossed here.
My understanding of the list of batches on the "Shipping Information" page, and the chat quote which @giorgio1 just shared, is as follows: Prusa is using the planning mechanism of "batches" for the assembled printers only. Maybe because they assemble them in batches, say 25 sets of modules and then 25 printers at a time?
For kits, maybe they will not use the "batch" principle at all, because it is just a steady stream of packing up and shipping materials. (Once that stream eventually starts flowing...) Or maybe they did not get to that stage of detailed planning yet, and will group the kit orders in batches later.
But what I don't think they stated is: "There are no kits included in those batches, and there will be no kits until all these batches have shipped."
I was just going from what I saw on the website, but may have misjudged what is stated here:
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
it seems as though they're rushing out the product
Reading these forums, everyone seems to think either they are rushing the product, or taking too long getting it out.
there's issues with communication, quality, firmware
The "communication issues" seem to mostly stem from people making up their own minds about how things should be communicated, and what words actually mean. As for the quality, mine is near perfect. Bear in mind the people that are happy with their printers and are happily printing with them aren't nearly as likely to come to the forums and talk about their printers. This is the case with literally everything. People talk more about what they aren't happy about than what they are happy about. As for the firmware, it's being worked on and again other than some minor issues (pause resume) it's not a massive deal for most people. Firmware will always be worked on and improved.
I turned on "stealth mode" on my printer and though the prints take a bit longer, it's much much quieter which would probably resolve most peoples issues with noise and vibrations. But most peole want speed over quality it seems.
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
I was just going from what I saw on the website, but may have misjudged what is stated here:
They have "line of sight" until late April for the assembled printers, hence have published that information. They have not published any dates for the kits yet, but I don't think that implies that there will be no kits before end of April.
Maybe @iftibashir is right and the completion (and internal testing) of the build instructions is the gating item. Prusa may be holding their cards close to the chest until they have confirmed that the instructions are good to go, and will only publish ship dates once that has been achieved.
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Prusa have never been good with communication. Its the same issue with every single release - they just fail to communicate progress with their buyers. It wouldn't make anything any quicker, but it would help reduce a lot of frustration for buyers rather than just being kept in the dark. Unfortunately I don't think they will ever change - they certainly haven't learnt from previous releases!
As a newcomer to the 3D printing scene, it seems as though they're rushing out the product. I looked at Prusa a while ago now when a favourite YouTuber This Old Tony, and the price put me off then, plus I 'wanted' and didn't need one. So it took a back seat. Fast forward a year or so, and I'm invested in a kit for a Core One.
Though, it seems more and more that the launch is haphazard, there's issues with communication, quality, firmware and people are taping up their machines to fix doors and remedy vibrations? It's not what I expected at all but seems to be the norm for most? I sort of wished I had stayed away from this forum, as Ive found that the issues mentioned seem to be somewhat 'normal' but it certainly has been an eye opener to one of the industry front runners.
I'm still not cancelling, I'm in too deep and hopefully known issues will be ironed out by the time my kit arrives and I've built it 😅
You had me at Butt Cramps. We’re now kindred spirits.
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
First of all a little perspective ; there are a couple of dozen AT MOST regular posters on this forum. While the absence of information is frustrating, getting one's self emotionally invested in a few fragments that a handful of people who may or may not (likely on the may not) represent the group of users as a whole is a foolish endeavor. There are 10's of thousands of users who never have even seen these forums, and likely never will. Same with just about any product. No one's "support" forums are overflowing with praise, "support" typically entails that something is wrong.
The one guy who taped up his printer, is also the same guy who declared that he and his "friend" had cancelled their orders and bought a different brand. All of the things he's said can't all be true, so maybe don't place a lot of importance on any one thing.
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Well, I think Prusa is still the company to beat when it comes to quality and reliability of consumer-level 3D printers. This has been the case for a long time, and is still true. What is also true, though, is that with every release of a new model printer their loyal fan-base absolutely _floods_ them with orders. However, this wave of orders is temporary, so they cannot build an organization capable of cranking out that volume of printers or they'd have half the company twiddling their thumbs once the initial hype dies down. So every time they try to come up with a way to manage expectations, yet every time they somehow end up with a topic on this forum filled with people impatient to get their printer and asking why it is taking so long 😀. What would be ideal is if they would completely finish development on a new model, build a stockpile of pre-builts and kits and only _then_ make a public announcement stating the printers can be ordered starting immediately. The downside of that is that they would have to delay announcing their new printer for months, and I guess they felt they could not afford to wait any longer with Bambu breathing down their necks.
Comparing this to past releases they have clearly improved, in the sense that they did technically keep their promise they would "start shipping" the prebuilt Core One in January (even though it was only a small number on January 31st). They do still have to figure out how to handle a passionate fanbase that cannot wait to get their hands on their shiny new printer.
I can't comment on the issues you mention (quality, firmware, vibrations), since I obviously don't have my printer yet, but whatever issues there are I trust Prusa will ensure they will get resolved, somehow. That is something they are well-known for.
Anyway, just my 2 cents.
Prusa have never been good with communication. Its the same issue with every single release - they just fail to communicate progress with their buyers. It wouldn't make anything any quicker, but it would help reduce a lot of frustration for buyers rather than just being kept in the dark. Unfortunately I don't think they will ever change - they certainly haven't learnt from previous releases!
As a newcomer to the 3D printing scene, it seems as though they're rushing out the product. I looked at Prusa a while ago now when a favourite YouTuber This Old Tony, and the price put me off then, plus I 'wanted' and didn't need one. So it took a back seat. Fast forward a year or so, and I'm invested in a kit for a Core One.
Though, it seems more and more that the launch is haphazard, there's issues with communication, quality, firmware and people are taping up their machines to fix doors and remedy vibrations? It's not what I expected at all but seems to be the norm for most? I sort of wished I had stayed away from this forum, as Ive found that the issues mentioned seem to be somewhat 'normal' but it certainly has been an eye opener to one of the industry front runners.
I'm still not cancelling, I'm in too deep and hopefully known issues will be ironed out by the time my kit arrives and I've built it 😅
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
I think a lot of people here are just impatient. They've said it's estimated to ship in March. We're still in March and people are losing their minds. I agree that communication is key however, as far as we know, they're still on schedule to ship. Until that's no longer the case, they don't owe us any communication.
Before we get a definitive shipping update to our order page, is there any way to tell what batch you’re in?
Based on what buyers of the assembled units have encountered, we'll get notification when they start shipping them.
It's a bit of a joke to be honest, the ordering and logistics you would think, would be first 25 orders are batch one, etc etc. So they could definitely say, here's your batch no, we don't have a date, but it would give some clarity to where you are in the scheme of things. Seemingly not though. We just have to accept that kits will start to be shipped in March, or not, depending on what happens, which is bloody odd.
absolutely agree. some pro active communication would be great. in my experience people don't get mad at orders being delayed, they get mad at lack of communication. and the communication here ist really disappointing.
a weekly update would be great.
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
What exactly are you frustrated about? You placed a preorder that estimated ship in March. It's still March.
I’m a bit frustrated because I’ve been waiting to receive my Prusa 3D printer after purchasing it in February along with the advanced filtration system. I’d originally planned to buy a 3D printer in March 2024. After doing lots of research, I decided on the Prusa MK4S, but then waited for Black Friday to make the purchase. When the Prusa CORE One was announced, I chose to hold off and get that instead.
Now, two weeks into March 2025, they have my money, but I still don’t have my printer. While I understand delays can happen, I feel left in the dark about when I’ll actually receive my order. It would help if there was clearer communication or updates from Prusa to manage expectations.
Under no circumstances am I trying to diminish Prusa or their products—I know their quality is excellent—but this waiting process has been tough.
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
I know I am hammering the point on these but they haven't lacked communication. They said it would ship in March and we're still in March. If we get to April with no communication then we all have a right to be annoyed. As for the other issues you mentioned, keep in mind that you're getting 'surviver bias' with these issues. People that have zero problems are less likely to comment. It's people who are running into random issues that will be the most vocal. That doesn't invalidate any issues people are experiencing, it's just important to remember when framing an opinion.
Well, I think Prusa is still the company to beat when it comes to quality and reliability of consumer-level 3D printers. This has been the case for a long time, and is still true. What is also true, though, is that with every release of a new model printer their loyal fan-base absolutely _floods_ them with orders. However, this wave of orders is temporary, so they cannot build an organization capable of cranking out that volume of printers or they'd have half the company twiddling their thumbs once the initial hype dies down. So every time they try to come up with a way to manage expectations, yet every time they somehow end up with a topic on this forum filled with people impatient to get their printer and asking why it is taking so long 😀. What would be ideal is if they would completely finish development on a new model, build a stockpile of pre-builts and kits and only _then_ make a public announcement stating the printers can be ordered starting immediately. The downside of that is that they would have to delay announcing their new printer for months, and I guess they felt they could not afford to wait any longer with Bambu breathing down their necks.
Comparing this to past releases they have clearly improved, in the sense that they did technically keep their promise they would "start shipping" the prebuilt Core One in January (even though it was only a small number on January 31st). They do still have to figure out how to handle a passionate fanbase that cannot wait to get their hands on their shiny new printer.
I can't comment on the issues you mention (quality, firmware, vibrations), since I obviously don't have my printer yet, but whatever issues there are I trust Prusa will ensure they will get resolved, somehow. That is something they are well-known for.
Anyway, just my 2 cents.
Prusa have never been good with communication. Its the same issue with every single release - they just fail to communicate progress with their buyers. It wouldn't make anything any quicker, but it would help reduce a lot of frustration for buyers rather than just being kept in the dark. Unfortunately I don't think they will ever change - they certainly haven't learnt from previous releases!
As a newcomer to the 3D printing scene, it seems as though they're rushing out the product. I looked at Prusa a while ago now when a favourite YouTuber This Old Tony, and the price put me off then, plus I 'wanted' and didn't need one. So it took a back seat. Fast forward a year or so, and I'm invested in a kit for a Core One.
Though, it seems more and more that the launch is haphazard, there's issues with communication, quality, firmware and people are taping up their machines to fix doors and remedy vibrations? It's not what I expected at all but seems to be the norm for most? I sort of wished I had stayed away from this forum, as Ive found that the issues mentioned seem to be somewhat 'normal' but it certainly has been an eye opener to one of the industry front runners.
I'm still not cancelling, I'm in too deep and hopefully known issues will be ironed out by the time my kit arrives and I've built it 😅
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
First of all a little perspective ; there are a couple of dozen AT MOST regular posters on this forum. While the absence of information is frustrating, getting one's self emotionally invested in a few fragments that a handful of people who may or may not (likely on the may not) represent the group of users as a whole is a foolish endeavor. There are 10's of thousands of users who never have even seen these forums, and likely never will. Same with just about any product. No one's "support" forums are overflowing with praise, "support" typically entails that something is wrong.
The one guy who taped up his printer, is also the same guy who declared that he and his "friend" had cancelled their orders and bought a different brand. All of the things he's said can't all be true, so maybe don't place a lot of importance on any one thing.
Quite a few issues with the Core One have been reported on this forum, and each of them by more than one person. You certainly can't dismiss these by questioning the credibility of the posters: Nasty acoustic noises and resonances; pronounced VFAs; Z axis jamming up; X gantry skewed; door interlock switch crashing the printer; wrong Z height when resuming after a pause...
True, the people posting here on the forum only represent a fraction of those who have received a Core One. We don't know how many units were shipped -- but we also don't know that all the other units are perfect. Maybe some people don't look so closely for VFAs and are not as sensitive to noise. Very likely, many people will turn straight to Prusa support when their new printer has problems, without ever posting here. So I don't think we can dismiss the problems as "extremely rare cases" either.
Prusa has a reputation for fixing problems eventually, which is great. (Although sometimes at extra cost to customers who need to buy a V2 upgrade. SL1S, anyone?) I wish they had more of a reputation for getting "nearly everything" right before shipping a new product.
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
it seems as though they're rushing out the product
Reading these forums, everyone seems to think either they are rushing the product, or taking too long getting it out.
there's issues with communication, quality, firmware
The "communication issues" seem to mostly stem from people making up their own minds about how things should be communicated, and what words actually mean. As for the quality, mine is near perfect. Bear in mind the people that are happy with their printers and are happily printing with them aren't nearly as likely to come to the forums and talk about their printers. This is the case with literally everything. People talk more about what they aren't happy about than what they are happy about. As for the firmware, it's being worked on and again other than some minor issues (pause resume) it's not a massive deal for most people. Firmware will always be worked on and improved.
I turned on "stealth mode" on my printer and though the prints take a bit longer, it's much much quieter which would probably resolve most peoples issues with noise and vibrations. But most peole want speed over quality it seems.
Oh I'm in no doubt that people will never be happy, no matter what is stated. Some immediatley look at the negative reviews on trip advisor before the positives, I get it, some people are pecamistic in their approach.
But your last statement is one that is something I would not expect and has an air of complacency, "just turn stealth mode on, it'll be quieter" should people have to? I allude to other sections of the forum in which quite a few people have noticed the vibrations and 'noisy' operation of the machine. This is ok? Turn stealth mode on, it slows your prints but, it is quieter so.......
Forums are sometimes odd places as details get missed, posts are taken in the wrong context and peoples assumptions or opinions get in the way of facts.
There does seem to be history though with past releases with communication, so there is cause for my comment from what I've read in various threads, I'm not just throwing it out there. Other poeple have mentioned it too. As for people not knowing what words actually mean, which I feel is a bit of a jibe, I'm not alone.
As an industry leader in 3D printing, surly as transparent as people tell everyone they seem to be at this stage, there is still a lot of ambiguity that is 100% not clear from what people are reporting.
I understand, people are getting itchy feet and wanting their printer kits to arrive, which in turn causes the rumour mill to start turning and a whole lot of ifs, buts and whens. But, and bear with me, customers of assembled kits are not finding out what batch they belong to, until sometimes days before they ship, and, there have been nearly zero updates on what is happening with kits. Okay they've said that normal? Anywhere between day 1 and 31? Maybe there'll be delays? We'll let you know. People say they're transparent, okay where's the updates? People aren't asking for a play by play hourly synopsis of the trajectory of their order, but an update of sorts, would be courteous, maybe at the beginning of the month, theres definatley no banner on the homepage of the website; but this seems to be nothing new from existing customers and people 'put up' with it.
My experience from the start was odd, I went through the process of ordering, paid the money and then nothing. The only email was to confirm I had preordered a kit and that I would get a follow up mail when it would be dispatched. I had to join this forum to find out what the process actually is, then to find out that in fact I have to hang tight until an update is announced. Very odd as a new customer to the brand, and it has been backed up by, who I'm assuming are informed members of the forum that this is the case.
Not everyone, it seems myself included, knows the ins and outs of how this process works. Not everyone reads everything in detail, as some are more attentive than others, that's humans. Its just not clear, for me anyway, how you get from step 1 to getting a printer and im not alone. It just seems that a big company is operating a little like a small company, which they are definitely not and I think Prusa need to be a little more forthcoming with how this approached, especially for new customers like myself.
I'm not here to argue, I'm here to learn. I will happily hold my hands up, of which Ive had to do with the way I sometimes convey things, (again forums for you) It just seems that the learnt nature of the Prusa ordering process is not just lost on me.
Now, where's my blooming kit?! 😘