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The Core One Kit Waiting List  

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Honorable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I am not bothered by the wait. But am intrigued (and indeed a bit bothered) by the "wait and observe how it goes" period in the plan.

They are simply telling the truth. Let them lie to you to make you feel better.

Why would they interrupt the production of the kit?
I haven't heard a reasonable reason yet.
There will certainly be no changes to the hardware. That will come with the Core OneS at the earliest.
At Prusa, the server has been at its limit because of the many kit orders.
Why should they make the buyers, who have already paid, wait longer than necessary?
The Core One kit is supposed to be easier to build than an MK4. For the difficult sections, many parts are the same, the instructions are tried and tested.

Prusa certainly doesn't want to experience the shitstorm when the next 4 weeks have to wait after a few deliveries.
But even if they were to skip a week, who would be able to prove it. Nobody knows how many orders are ahead of you.

Respondido : 15/03/2025 3:17 pm
Reputable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Posted by: @rainer-2

Why would they interrupt the production of the kit?
I haven't heard a reasonable reason yet.
There will certainly be no changes to the hardware. That will come with the Core OneS at the earliest.
At Prusa, the server has been at its limit because of the many kit orders.
Why should they make the buyers, who have already paid, wait longer than necessary?

Oh, I thought the rationale was clear. Let me try to spell it out again:

  • Prusa would not interrupt production of the kit, but shipping of further kits.
  • Reason would be to see whether people manage to build their printer successfully, or whether they repeatedly fall into some trap where the build instructions are unclear.
  • They would not change the hardware, but the instructions in case of such problems.
  • And they would do so because they prefer to mildly annoy many customers who are waiting a few weeks longer, rather than create major problems for the customers who get the build wrong, and major cost for Prusa (for support labor time and maybe shipping of replacement part.)

Now, will they be doing all of this? We will see...

Respondido : 15/03/2025 3:37 pm
Nick me gusta
Honorable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I think you think too much.....

It's much simpler. The guide has a comment function where Prusa employees also write.

Errors or ambiguities are uncovered faster than most packages are on their way.
That's why I always take a look at the English instructions, as experience has shown that this is where most of the comments are.

Respondido : 15/03/2025 3:51 pm
Reputable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Posted by: @rainer-2

I think you think too much.....

It's much simpler. The guide has a comment function where Prusa employees also write.

Errors or ambiguities are uncovered faster than most packages are on their way.
That's why I always take a look at the English instructions, as experience has shown that this is where most of the comments are.

I am aware of the comment function in the build instructions, although I have not come across any Prusa posts there. It provides a convenient way to enhance the build instructions.

But still, if you ship a few hundred kits within a short time, and a crowd of impatient builders starts putting their long-awaited printers together, many will fall into the early traps before any comments are added. And many will not read the comments because they are in a rush. Heck, many will not even read the instructions themselves very diligently... Maybe the first round of edits will focus on which instructions to highlight in bold, red font, yellow highlighter because they turn out to be really critical. 😉 

Look, I am just taking @rogerwilco75's post and the support quote therein at face value. We will see soon enough whether a shipment break actually happens. It will either be a steady stream of "I got mine too now" posts, as we see it in the ship-date thread for the assembled printers, or two weeks of "Where's mine, I ordered in the first half-hour?!" posts...  

Respondido : 15/03/2025 4:14 pm
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Hello everyone, 

This is my first post here but I’ve been lurking since the beginning.  This will be my second Prusa kit; I had a MK3 a few years ago. I’ve also built a Voron, so I’m not unfamiliar with the process and am excited to get this one started. I purchased mine  at 0924 UTC+1 on 01Feb so I assume I’ll be in the first batch or two. 

Introductions complete, IMO there is just too much speculation on here. I have to ask, does it matter? “Kits will begin shipping in March.” It’s still March and will be for another two weeks. I know the uncertainty can drive people a bit crazy and it would be nice to see Prusa put out a statement, but we all need to trust the process. If the first of April comes around with no information then start complaining as a promise will have been broken. We were all told the same thing and it does no good for anyone to whine about it. Brings back memories of my 3 year old asking when Christmas was on December 27th. 

I think it would be beneficial for an official Prusa rep to comment on here with something (still on schedule, a bit late, a bit early, etc), but they’re under no obligation to do that. 

Lastly, remember why we’re here and not on a Bambu forum. We’re supporting a small business that builds quality products with no restrictions on upgrading or customization. It takes time. 

Take care everyone and I look forward to seeing your shipping updates. 

Respondido : 15/03/2025 4:38 pm
Franko, tbr y Taubin me gusta
Topic starter answered:
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

If there is a two week interruption, it is not the end of the world.  I would rather have a kit with good instruction than rush it.  Although it is nice to get a good delivery estimate, that is immaterial to me.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 15/03/2025 4:44 pm
Nick me gusta
Honorable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

And what is the quintessence here of driving people crazy about possible stops?

If that's the case, it won't change anything.
Spinning things together because of some post on the net doesn't make anything truer and it doesn't help anyone.

It's all just pure speculation.

Respondido : 15/03/2025 4:48 pm
Nick me gusta
Honorable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I think as soon as the first kits are sent out, you should be able to estimate when you can expect your printer to be shipped using the shipping table.


Posted by: @cwbullet

If there is a two week interruption, it is not the end of the world.  I would rather have a kit with good instruction than rush it.  Although it is nice to get a good delivery estimate, that is immaterial to me.  


Respondido : 15/03/2025 4:51 pm
Reputable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Posted by: @cwbullet

If there is a two week interruption, it is not the end of the world.  I would rather have a kit with good instruction than rush it.  Although it is nice to get a good delivery estimate, that is immaterial to me.  

I must either be expressing myself very unclearly, or you can't be bothered to read. It's not about the two-week delay. It's about the fact that Prusa (may) consider it necessary to have an extra delay to see whether things blow up.

Posted by: @juergen-4 

I am not bothered by the wait. But am intrigued (and indeed a bit bothered) by the "wait and observe how it goes" period in the plan.

Respondido : 15/03/2025 4:52 pm
Nick me gusta
Topic starter answered:
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Nice.  I can read and I am probably a hell of a lot more intelligent than you are since there is only one way you can interpret a vague post.  

We will just have to disagree again -  have a nice day.

Posted by: @juergen-4
Posted by: @cwbullet

If there is a two week interruption, it is not the end of the world.  I would rather have a kit with good instruction than rush it.  Although it is nice to get a good delivery estimate, that is immaterial to me.  

I must either be expressing myself very unclearly, or you can't be bothered to read. It's not about the two-week delay. It's about the fact that Prusa (may) consider it necessary to have an extra delay to see whether things blow up.

Posted by: @juergen-4 

I am not bothered by the wait. But am intrigued (and indeed a bit bothered) by the "wait and observe how it goes" period in the plan.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 15/03/2025 5:01 pm
Rainer me gusta
Topic starter answered:
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I agree.  

Posted by: @rainer-2

I think as soon as the first kits are sent out, you should be able to estimate when you can expect your printer to be shipped using the shipping table.


Posted by: @cwbullet

If there is a two week interruption, it is not the end of the world.  I would rather have a kit with good instruction than rush it.  Although it is nice to get a good delivery estimate, that is immaterial to me.  



Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 15/03/2025 5:02 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Bingo.  It is riling up the customers and causing unneeded worry.  If there is an interruption in shipping, it will happen and you can't do anything about it.  

My whole point was that the statement is vague and leads what to a couple interpretations.  What are they interrupting?  How long (is ti the two weeks?  Is the two weeks of monitoring prior to the interuption?  What are they monitoring?  The statement is very similar to every printer production they made since the MK3.  There were no pauses for 2 weeks unless it was to fix a part that was faulty (Mk4 I think).  

Conjecture the other way:  The two week pause could be review complaints and issues.  It would allow them to see if there is a trend that needs corrected.  It could just be two weeks of monitoring that will be followed by a 48 hour pause to look at data.  It is such an imprecise statement that is reported second hand that I refuse to let it worry me.  

My employment requires me to look at things differently.   People interpret directions differenetly.  I reviewed this statement and saw the holes in this in precise statement.      

Posted by: @rainer-2

And what is the quintessence here of driving people crazy about possible stops?

If that's the case, it won't change anything.
Spinning things together because of some post on the net doesn't make anything truer and it doesn't help anyone.

It's all just pure speculation.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 15/03/2025 5:34 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List


""the first kits will start shipping in March… then we will monitor the situation for a couple of weeks and restart after that.""

I reread the statement for about the 5th time.  It does not even say stop or interrupt.  It says restart and does not indicate that.  Restart Monitoring?  Restart the process with what we learned.  There is a lot to interpret.  

I agree, we are reading too much into a statement and restart may be the wrong word choice.  We will find out in the next 2 weeks.    

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 15/03/2025 5:41 pm
Reputable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Posted by: @cwbullet

I am probably a hell of a lot more intelligent than you

Why didn't you mention that earlier? Ok, you must be right then. 

Respondido : 15/03/2025 6:10 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Time will tell just how much folks are over reacting.  This has only happened every printer and each time it is overblown.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 15/03/2025 6:36 pm
tbr y Nick me gusta
Trusted Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Most of this discussion about delays should have started at the end of the month.  I've ordered every kit on launch day and due to demand, there was always some type of delay.  I keep coming back to this thread expecting some type of update regarding the kit, but it's just more speculation.  I've contacted live support in the past regarding preorders and always received vague/mixed messages.  I'm sure there will be an update coming soon.

Respondido : 15/03/2025 7:35 pm
tbr y Nick me gusta
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

There are news from 3D Jake. The kit should be available from 02 May.

Sounds not so good.

Respondido : 16/03/2025 8:49 am
Honorable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

But this is information from a reseller who will only buy them from Prusa on the basis of a customer's order. I doubt that he will have the printers in stock in his store from the beginning!

Respondido : 16/03/2025 7:40 pm
Eminent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I think if you order from Prusa now, it won't be anything before the end of April, the beginning of May.

Respondido : 16/03/2025 7:41 pm
Eminent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Seems to be giving an update

The expected start of delivery for the first batch of printers is now scheduled for March 2025

Respondido : 17/03/2025 4:40 pm
Chinaquads me gusta
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