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The Core One Kit Waiting List  

Strona 10 / 13
Active Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List


Posted by: @3delight

You are right, I've updated my post.  The dispatching should hopefully begin before end of March but not be completed in March.  As I said more information should be available soon.  It's a bit of a balancing act to be honest.  If Prusa say "Batch XZY will begin dispatching week commencing 123, then if something causes a hold up people will start to panic and the actual staff doing the packing and dispatching won't have time to update websites or forums.  I'm sure everyone would rather they got on with getting the printers shipped than doing site updates.  I will keep trying to update you guys as and when I can get any information...  We moderators are for the most part not at Prusa HQ so can't just stick our heads in an office door and ask "which batch this week Jo?".

You are not? So... no alpakas?

Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 7:49 am
Scotttomo polubić
Honorable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Is this the kindergarten section of the Prusa Forum?

Here you have to be ashamed of others.
I don't want to imagine what the poor support staff have to put up with.

It is true, and I sometimes get upset about it, that the communication at Prusa could be improved.

But nothing was promised.  It was clearly stated that the aim was to start delivering the kits in March.

It's only the middle of March and there's already the wildest speculation about batches and who is doing what somehow and at all.....

The fact is that nobody knows when it will start or how many orders have been placed.
It may be that Prusa needs two weeks for the first hour of orders.

The employees there are in a state of emergency. They are working at their limits.

To derive a date from what an annoyed chat employee has said or other fantasies is not expedient.

Prusa has been trying to improve the situation for years.
Improvements have already been noticed with Clore One.
Orders are always extremely high when a new product is launched and then level off.
If you want a Prusa in the near future, you simply have to order in 8 months.
Then there is no need to moan about little things that are not yet optimal or what is still missing in the firmware.

Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 8:33 am
MachuFrey, tbr, Taubin i 3 ludzie polubili

Instead of gummy bears, Prusa should send some cheese to compliment that whine. 

This post was modified 7 days temu by Nick
Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 8:43 am
Scotttomo, MachuFrey, tbr i 2 ludzie polubili
Reputable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

It was Prusa's choice to announce the Core One that early, before they had even finalized the design. Now they are scrambling to meet ship dates and demand, and have decided to start shipping the printer early, with a relatively high number of firmware and hardware/manufacturing issues.

I agree that this must be a stressful phase for many Prusa employees. However you should not blame Prusa's customers for that stress, but their management.

Only very few users here on the forum have complained that they want their printer or kit faster. The large majority is simply asking for more transparency on Prusa's part -- which is not too much to ask in my opinion; just keep the existing information sources on your website updated. And again, it should not be on the shoulders of forum moderators or customer support agents to inform or put off the individual customers. It's a management decision and obligation to define and implement a communication path. 

Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 8:57 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

My guess is there are readying a Blog post.  It is a few days overdue and I suspect the wait will not be long.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 9:04 am
Scotttomo polubić
Reputable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Posted by: @cwbullet

My guess is there are readying a Blog post.  It is a few days overdue and I suspect the wait will not be long.  

Agree, that's a likely next step. The late-January shipment of assembled printers was only announced via a blog post on January 22nd, so there is still time for a March update. 😉 

Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 9:21 am
Scotttomo polubić
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Man I logged in just to say that yes you had me going and man I am really bummed now lol

Posted by: @iftibashir

All Core One Kits are scheduled to begin shipping tomorrow morning. This includes the first 2 batches. The build guide will be live shortly. 










Only kidding! Had you though!!!! lol


Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 9:22 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

And it would do well to calm the angry horde massing at the gate with pitch forks and burning torches.  

I have to agree that transparency is lacking.  It is very easy for a company to get focused on delivery and improving the process.  They often miss the "temperature" of the customer.  

I produce a commonly used product for a hobby in the US.  I have been doing it for 15+ years.  People buy form be because my product works and has always produced reliable and repeatable results.  I produced one bad batch of 100 out of probably 100K batches.  I constantly listen to my customers to gain insight on how to improve.  I listened and recalled them.  Only 6 of 100 failed to meet standards, but the cost in customer experience was worth 10 times the price in materials.  

Prusa has the perfect tools to take customer "temperatures" - The forum and the support chat box.  They just need to gather and use the data.  

Posted by: @jurgen-7
Posted by: @cwbullet

My guess is there are readying a Blog post.  It is a few days overdue and I suspect the wait will not be long.  

Agree, that's a likely next step. The late-January shipment of assembled printers was only announced via a blog post on January 22nd, so there is still time for a March update. 😉 


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 9:31 am
Scotttomo, tbr, mendorugger i 2 ludzie polubili
Honorable Member

What is so difficult to understand about us endeavouring to deliver the kits in March?

It didn't say we would deliver from the first of March. It didn't even say we deliver from March. Only we endeavour, we strive, if there are no delays.They didn't promise or give a binding date at all.

And now you've been crying like little children since the beginning of the month. You wouldn't think you were dealing with adults.

If Prusa had continued to sell MK4S, filled the warehouses with Core One and then announced and delivered it within a short time, the screaming would be even bigger.

Prusa is fair and announces the new printer well in advance. Clearly as a pre-order and without a fixed delivery date. Everyone who ordered knew the conditions. Anyone who does something practical and doesn't just lounge around in the office knows what can go wrong. That's why Prusa didn't give a binding delivery date. In the next two weeks, still in March, information will come.A blog, an email or, if things go really well, a dispatch note.


Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 9:33 am
Taubin, 3dWalter i Nick polubić
Reputable Member
Posted by: @rainer-2

If Prusa had continued to sell MK4S, filled the warehouses with Core One and then announced and delivered it within a short time, the screaming would be even bigger.

Prusa is fair and announces the new printer well in advance.

Have you observed Bambu's approach in launching their new H2D? They indicated back in 2023, in very general terms, that they were working on a new high-end product next. They predicted a Q4 2024 launch sometime in 2024, and then decided and published that they will postpone the launch into Q1 2025, to ensure that the product was stable. They have now given a specific announcement date of March 25, and I am pretty sure that they are building inventory right now to ensure that they can ship first printers right away.

So, believe it or not -- there are ways to be transparent, not blindsiding customers with a surprise launch, while at the same time not announcing and taking money for a product that will only ship months later.    

Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 9:46 am
ChefBenni i Scotttomo polubić
Honorable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

And have a look at a Bambulab forum.They've been howling like this since January.

If Bambab does everything closed soure, should Prusa follow suit? You are free to buy a Bambulab if you like it better there.

It doesn't change anything. The conditions were known. Nobody was forced to pre-order the Core One.Prusa is still within the planned time frame.

What's the problem?

Prusa is a small family business compared to Bambulab. They always try to be fair to their customers. I prefer that to a huge industrial company supported by the Chinese state.

In return, I accept minor teething problems. Yes, the firmware at Prusa is never finished at the start, but it works reliably.

And I am pleased that they have been working on adding functions for years.



Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 10:04 am
FoxRun3D, tbr i Taubin polubić
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I am just pleased that someone from the Prusa side has come forward and given a little more information. I like that and I am glad that they at least give the impression that they care about us. 

Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 11:57 am
ed polubić
Active Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Some people are hilarious. I ordered one within the first hour, so I hope it will be within the first or second batch, but i see no reason to get nuts, its still just mid march so lets chill and wait, it was a pre order as far as I know. If i would have wanted it directly I would have ordered after the pre ordered ones where shipped out.

Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 2:22 pm
tbr, 3dWalter, Taubin i 1 ludzie polubili
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I visited the Prusa factory and met the employees last year and came away very impressed.  These are hard working people making the best product on the market today for this price range.  If they wanted to deliver a lesser product early and make their life easier, they could but fortunately they don't.  Instead they wait until their printer meets their own high standards everyone expects which should be applauded.  There is a lot of cheap knockoffs as everyone in this forum understands by now.  I am glad Prusa recognizes manufacturing is very hard and requires hard work focus and time.

Thanks Prusa Employees for delivering consistently great products.

Opublikowany : 19/03/2025 5:27 pm
tbr, CyclonEngr, ed i 2 ludzie polubili
Dustin Doyle
Active Member

Prusa social media said they are on track to ship towards the end of the month. They are putting the finishing touches on the documentation.

This post was modified 6 days temu by Dustin Doyle
Opublikowany : 20/03/2025 4:21 pm
tbr, Franko i Giorgio1! polubić
Eminent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Prusa just posted this on their LinkedIn page!


Opublikowany : 20/03/2025 4:22 pm
tbr, Mercury i Andersson polubić
Eminent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Here again in German 😉

Opublikowany : 20/03/2025 4:54 pm
Eminent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

The manual is now also available in several languages 👍🏻

Opublikowany : 20/03/2025 5:03 pm
folkommen i Nick polubić
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I can not find it. Where is it? 🙁

Opublikowany : 20/03/2025 8:01 pm
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

The Kit assembly manual isn’t available yet

Opublikowany : 21/03/2025 5:33 am
Scotttomo polubić
Strona 10 / 13