RE: Shipping dates
Been following this thread. Ye know, back when I was really patient and all about Team Orange 😆 .
As an existing Mk4/4S owner, I just cancelled my Core One order. The just-posted new shipping dates linked above is a wait just as long as i've waited thus far (now mid-March).
Last week a CS agent said "likely a week away". Now told on the last day of January that it might ship mid March? Please.
Brilliant products, big fan. This January window debacle, not so much.
It'll be a conversion kit in April (August?) at best for me. Refund on it's way for now.
RE: Shipping dates
I'm not cancelling or anything drastic but I'm not loving the shipping update that came at literally the last possible moment with no prior indication of a problem.
It's like ten days for me, not a giant setback, but I wish I'd had any warning at all.
RE: Shipping dates
I'm new to the Prusa ecosystem, but I've known about shipping issues on new printers and upgrades for ages. I'm honestly really shocked by the number of people that have (or are threatening to) cancel their orders. These things happen, and even if it's at 11:59 PM on January 31st, that's still getting it shipped out in January and isn't going to matter in the long term.
Things happen, I'm sure everyone at Prusa wishes they could have gotten them out sooner and into peoples hands, but the fact is, nothing is perfect and things happen that cause slippages. There is a reason a lot of companies decide to never give a future shipment date for their products anymore, because people throw absolute fits if something happens and it ships even a tiny bit late. In a lot of cases (and honestly I'm sure in this case as well) their customer service gets abused due to missed dates.
I guess for all those cancelling, it just means a different person might get their printer that much faster.
RE: Shipping dates
That is cool. I ordered the day after that hope that means mine ships next week. I was expecting a longer wait.
Just confirmed mines on its way to the UK ordered 5/12/24 and added a satin plate only yesterday 🥳
Had not seen the shipping schedule looks like i will be waiting another 6 weeks or so
RE: Shipping dates
My perception is that Prusa are definitely improving with predicted shipping dates. I can image there was huge pressure behind the scenes to meet the January promise ("We are NOT going to miss this deadline!"), and based on previous performance I'm pleasantly surprised that they managed it. It gives me a bit more confidence that my upgrade kit will actually arrive some time in April. But if they were always treating the last day of January as their deadline, why didn't they just promise February from the beginning? The perception would have been a lot better, with no change to their internal scheduling.
RE: Shipping dates
Las cosas pasan, estoy seguro de que todos en Prusa desearían haberlos sacado antes y llegar a las manos de la gente, pero el hecho es que nada es perfecto y suceden cosas que causan deslizamientos.
Personally, I don't believe the issue lies in a company’s logistical capacity—that is what it is, and there’s no changing that. The real problem is what happened during the first weeks of January. If you contacted customer support to check the status of your order, they would still tell you that your printer would be shipped soon.
Así, por un lado, tenemos la logística de Prusa y, por otro, tenemos el marketing. Parece que alguien pensó que podría vender más impresoras durante la temporada navideña haciendo creer a los compradores que sus pedidos se enviarían en enero, en lugar de ser honesto y decir que podría tardar varios meses. Y ahí es donde veo un problema serio.
La satisfacción del cliente se basa en cumplir o superar las expectativas. Pero de repente, los clientes a los que se les dijo hace solo dos semanas que recibirían sus impresoras pronto ahora están siendo informados de que tendrán que esperar otros dos meses. Esta es, sin duda, una excelente manera de crear clientes insatisfechos.
Habría sido mejor ser sincero desde el principio, informando a los compradores de que los pedidos tardarían meses en cumplirse. Incluso afirmar que no se podían determinar las fechas de entrega, pero que tomaría al menos unos meses, habría sido más honesto y mucho más aceptable.
RE: Shipping dates
I'm not new to Prusa, and my Mk4S is doing its thing so well, and I wanted a Core One. I was happy to be in the "January shipping" population. I think we all now know that one customer will be very happy when it arrives. In Feb. 😋
...... I'm honestly really shocked by the number of people that have (or are threatening to) cancel their orders. ......
.... people throw absolute fits if something happens and it ships even a tiny bit late......
Respectfully though, it is my money. Cancelling isn't a threat, or a hissy fit. It's just choosing where best to put my money in Q1 2025. For some that money it might be the difference between a car deposit to get a good deal, snag a holiday, or the difference between an RTX 5080 vs 5090 graphics card. I'm now likely to fund a lovely guitar; just my choice, no drama.
I feel really bad for the people who have perhaps sold their printer in anticipation of arrival in Jan/Feb. It is simply bad form how this January window has been handled. The lack of transparency hasn't sat well with me. I love the Prusa machines, they're fantastic. A build kit will be on my Q2 wish list.
As an aside, I genuinely do hope someone benefits from my cancellation. 👍
RE: Shipping dates
Been following this thread. Ye know, back when I was really patient and all about Team Orange 😆 .
As an existing Mk4/4S owner, I just cancelled my Core One order. The just-posted new shipping dates linked above is a wait just as long as i've waited thus far (now mid-March).
Last week a CS agent said "likely a week away". Now told on the last day of January that it might ship mid March? Please.
Brilliant products, big fan. This January window debacle, not so much.
As a prior Prusa owner, which part of the original announcement did you mis-interpret? "Shipments are planned to start in January" is what they said right from the introduction date. Being aware of the shipping timelines of earlier models, it seemed pretty clear that first shipments in late January would be a win -- and Prusa did stick to that timeline.
And obviously they did not say "Each and every order we receive until January 31st will ship on January 31st at the latest". They don't have infinite manufacturing capacity at Prusa. "Shipments will start in January", right? You placed your order several weeks after the original announcement, and you would have received your Core One several weeks after the first shipments.
Sorry that you were disappointed, but you were building unrealistic expectations there. The actual ship dates are not conflicting with Prusa's earlier announcements.
RE: Shipping dates
Honestly I think what Prusa meant is they'll START shipping units in January, not that all pre-orders would ship in January. So as long as they've shipped a single Core One today they've technically kept their promise.
Actually, no, that’s not the case. Honestly, I have to say that it sounds quite absurd to defend something like that. If you're buying a product, and the product description and terms of purchase clearly state that it will be shipped in January, then that’s what you expect.
No, Prusa really did not claim that "it will be shipped in January". They always wrote "Shipping starts in January 2025!", beginning with the blog post which anncounced the Core One on November 19th. (That one is still online at And they also stated the same on their online shop's product page throughout.
RE: Shipping dates
Honestamente, creo que lo que Prusa quiso decir es que comenzarán a enviar unidades en enero, no que todos los pedidos anticipados se enviarán en enero. Entonces, mientras han enviado un solo Core One hoy, técnicamente han cumplido su promesa.
En realidad, no, ese no es el caso. Sinceramente, tengo que decir que suena bastante absurdo defender algo así. Si vas a comprar un producto y la descripción del producto y los términos de compra indican claramente que se enviará en enero, eso es lo que esperas.
No, Prusa realmente no afirmó que "se enviará en enero". Siempre escribieron "¡El envío comienza en enero de 2025!", comenzando con la publicación del blog que anunció el Core One el 19 de noviembre. (Ese todavía está en línea en Y también afirmaron lo mismo en la página de productos de su tienda en línea en todo momento.
I’m sorry, but I have to disagree. I understand that the phrasing was vague and open to different interpretations. However, communication between a company and its customers should always be clear.
I know there are members here with experience buying Prusa products who are probably more familiar with how the company handles distribution. But there are also new customers, like myself, who don’t have that knowledge. When someone accustomed to online shopping reads that shipping starts in January, it’s reasonable to assume this applies to all orders.
Is it really expected that a customer calculates a company’s logistical and distribution capacity, along with estimating the number of potential sales it has made? With all due respect, that seems a bit absurd.
Además de eso, había un aviso que indicaba que los nuevos pedidos se cumplirían a partir de marzo. Pero, ¿qué es exactamente lo que califica como un "nuevo orden"? ¿Es uno colocado hace un mes? ¿Hace dos meses? ¿Hace dos semanas? Hice mi pedido en diciembre, ¿cuenta como un pedido nuevo o uno antiguo? ¿Se supone que debo resolverlo yo mismo como cliente?
Para empeorar las cosas, en la segunda semana de enero, me puse en contacto directamente con el servicio de atención al cliente para preguntar por la fecha de envío y me dijeron que recibiría mi impresora pronto. ¿Se supone que debo interpretar "pronto" como dentro de dos meses en lugar de unas pocas semanas, como parecía implicar?
La comunicación ambigua conduce a interpretaciones igualmente ambiguas, y eso no es un lujo que una empresa pueda permitirse. Esperar que los clientes realicen tales cálculos no es razonable.
RE: Shipping dates
The phrasing isn't vague at all, it states "starts in January" not "will ship in January". As for the question about "New orders" that is is also pretty clear in that orders that are made now, or "new" will starting to ship in March.
I understand you are frustrated, however it's all very clearly communicated, and many companies use the same language when communicating shipment dates. As I said earlier (and I wouldn't be surprised if Prusa starts doing this in the future) a lot of companies have stopped giving estimates of shipment dates entirely due to people abusing staff over slipped (or even perceived slipped) dates.
RE: Shipping dates
But this isn't the case. It didn't ship on 1/31. It's a 3 day FedEx delivery that I was led to believe it would ship in (late) January and then on 1/31 I got an update, because I checked their website for it and not because I'd been contacted, that it would *actually* ship 2/10-ish.
I'm meant to believe that they didn't know until 1/31 that my order had a February ship date? All I wanted was to be kept in the loop.
....I understand you are frustrated, however....
Thats the thing though, there is no 'however' when it's someone else's opinion. I, just like Alejandro, do not believe it was communicated well and feel a little let down.
We're not wrong. It's OK that some folks disagree with those that feel this way. 👍
.... but you were building unrealistic expectations there. .....
Jurgen my friend, you mis-interpret my first post above.
I was told by Customer Service that 'everything was on track', 'just around the corner'. I know not anyone that would take that as mid-March . March was for new orders. I built no unrealistic expectations - you don't know me. I looked forward to having a Core One, not crowdfunding it.
You seem to be triggered by me cancelling. Let's not fall out, you disagree and thats OK 👍
RE: Shipping dates
Shipping date posts tend to frustrate some people,
Please refrain from disagreements.
it is OK for people to have different points of view,
this is a family forum and we would like to keep interraction polite .
no amount of bickering will change Prusa's schedules.
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Shipping dates
Thanks Joan. All good 👍
Conversion kit ahead or the trusty MK4S.
RE: Shipping dates
Shipping date posts tend to frustrate some people,
Please refrain from is OK for people to have different points of view,
this is a family forum and we would like to keep interraction polite .no amount of bickering will change Prusa's schedules.
regards Joan
Joan, did you delete my post? There was nothing inappropriate on it.
RE: Shipping dates
Hi Brian,
Yes I did delete your post, it appeared to be a catalyst which caused unwelcome responses.
Regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Shipping dates
Thanks Joan. All good 👍
Conversion kit ahead or the trusty MK4S.
At this time I do not see myself getting another Core XY, and I Don't have a mk4 to upgrade...
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Shipping dates
The delivery plan from prusa is a joke... 10 dez. ordert and comming 10 of March... sorry, that is very bad. i will cancel and order a Bamboolab... that is cheaper and available and functions are ok..
Prusa will be work with my money and at the end i receive a beta printer...