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Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......  

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JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......


Posted by: @dytoractor

I am curious? When is the Core XL coming out?

It already is.

Posted : 19/11/2024 8:07 pm
Razor liked
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

What I want to know is if we have previously upgrade from a mk3s+ to a mk4s. Will we have enough spare parts to rebuild a mk3s+ if we upgrade the mk4s to the Core?

It looks like everything is going to be replaced by that point other than the power supply.

Posted : 19/11/2024 8:20 pm
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......


Posted by: @lvet

In the Core One upgrade, I suspect only the MK4 Nextruder will be kept.
I cannot see any other parts that can be transferred.

And the screen/display.....

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--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Posted : 19/11/2024 8:22 pm
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I like how you can actually see the nozzle again as the part cooling fan is more swung around the back.......saying that, the nozzle being twisted the 'wrong way round' is triggering my OCD already!.......Just looks all back to front!

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--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Posted : 19/11/2024 8:23 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I own both the MK4S and the Bambu Lab X1C.

For single-material prints, the MK4S clearly excels in quality. However, for multi-material prints, the AMS unit included with the X1C is outstanding. In comparison, the MMU2S I used with my MK3S was completely unreliable, despite trying several modifications and reprinting parts to improve it, all without success. I’m not sure if the MMU3 is any more reliable.

Posted by: @dytoractor

Everyone keeps saying the Bamboo is the best... BUT I would rather have a Prusa any day. I love how the prusa upgrades and the firmware support has been excellent!!!  Plus I have printed almost 2years worth of prints on my MK3 with minor issues that tech support fixed every time. So, It looks like the Core One addresses all the complaints people have had with the Prusa line. Making the Core One the new/old BEST at the same time!

I haven't bought the MK3S+ to MK4 upgrade or even halfgrade yet. But someday I will. I told my Work to buy the MK4 and that thing has been so awesome to work with. I am trying to get Work to buy the XL, as they always want larger prints than the MK4 can give them. But now that the Core One came out, I can see a similar design as the XL. 

I am curious? When is the Core XL coming out?


Posted : 19/11/2024 8:28 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......


Posted by: @iftibashir


Posted by: @lvet

In the Core One upgrade, I suspect only the MK4 Nextruder will be kept.
I cannot see any other parts that can be transferred.

And the screen/display.....

Of course, the electronics and the display 😀 

Posted : 19/11/2024 8:30 pm
Active Member

Hope they will make some Parts of the Enclosure harvestable. Like the Filtration System.

Already having an Enclousre that will be not usable after the Upgrade sitting arround is kind of a bummer, but having to dish out antoher 80 Euros ontop of the Upgrade Kit for a Filtration System i kind of already have hit harder even more.

Meanwhile maybe the Community comes up with creative ways Upcycle the End-of-Lifed Enclosure. Growbox for Plants came to my mind First 🙃. Could be a nice Contest...


Posted : 19/11/2024 8:41 pm
Brian liked
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

Man this printer pre-assembled works out cheaper than the MK4 Kit + Enclosure + upgrades (lights + filter) + mk4s upgrade. I paid Now in Total $1352 vs $1199, eesh I hate Technology advancements (*feeling sorry for himself**) .... 

So this will basically nullify the MK4S and the Prusa enclosure.... Now I need to think of new clever ways to convince the wife I need this 🤪   so now I can probably sell my mk3s 

Posted : 19/11/2024 8:49 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......
Posted by: @dytoractor

Everyone keeps saying the Bamboo is the best... BUT I would rather have a Prusa any day. I love how the prusa upgrades and the firmware support has been excellent!!! 

I'm still receiving updates for my MK2. That's nearly a decade of support. That long-term commitment justifies the slightly higher price.

I'm struggling to justify another printer though. They seem to be multiplying like rabbits in my workshop.

Maybe it's time to retire the MK2. 

Posted : 19/11/2024 9:10 pm
Daniel H and Razor liked
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I don't need to upgrade, but did occasionally build a tent over my Mk4 to be able to print stuff in the cold garage last winter, so the enclosure would be a big convenience.  I never wanted to deal with the enclosure upgrade for the Mk4, and I'm now thankful that I didn't.  My son and I like to design and print small projects for home and school stuff, and he'll be badgering me to upgrade.  Chances are good that I'll wait until the first year passes and the orders all get caught up before finding justification for the upgrade.  I knew Prusa would need to bring a smaller core xy printer, but never dreamed that they would provide an upgrade path from their bed slinger.  That completely impressed me.  Clearly they would have made the size a touch bigger if that upgrade path was abandoned, and that would have favored new customers at the slight abandonment of their existing ones.  This demonstrates a deep commitment to their philosophy, which is almost unimaginable in this market.  I hope they do well with this release and are rewarded for that commitment.


Posted : 19/11/2024 9:54 pm
Trusted Member

My Mk4 with MMU3 has been fantastically reliable. The only time I've had prints fail was when the filament was tangled on the spool and I didn't realize it, there was no wonder the printer couldn't pull the filament through. I've had it where the filament ran out and I didn't have the right color so I just left the printer in its request for more filament, ordered a spool from Amazon with same day delivery and when installed it just picked up where it left off 8 hours earlier. I don't know how many color changes it has done but definitely over 1,000 and I can count on one hand the number of issues and as said before they weren't the fault of the MMu3.

Posted by: @lvet

I own both the MK4S and the Bambu Lab X1C.

For single-material prints, the MK4S clearly excels in quality. However, for multi-material prints, the AMS unit included with the X1C is outstanding. In comparison, the MMU2S I used with my MK3S was completely unreliable, despite trying several modifications and reprinting parts to improve it, all without success. I’m not sure if the MMU3 is any more reliable.


Posted : 19/11/2024 9:58 pm
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I have a MMU3 brand new still in its box ready to set up with my MK4S - would wait until I upgrade the printer to the Core One, but with Prussa's shipping record I know I'd be waiting probably around 6-8 months minimum! Not sure I can wait that long! lol

Posted by: @ironfan72

My Mk4 with MMU3 has been fantastically reliable. The only time I've had prints fail was when the filament was tangled on the spool and I didn't realize it, there was no wonder the printer couldn't pull the filament through. I've had it where the filament ran out and I didn't have the right color so I just left the printer in its request for more filament, ordered a spool from Amazon with same day delivery and when installed it just picked up where it left off 8 hours earlier. I don't know how many color changes it has done but definitely over 1,000 and I can count on one hand the number of issues and as said before they weren't the fault of the MMu3.

Posted by: @lvet

I own both the MK4S and the Bambu Lab X1C.

For single-material prints, the MK4S clearly excels in quality. However, for multi-material prints, the AMS unit included with the X1C is outstanding. In comparison, the MMU2S I used with my MK3S was completely unreliable, despite trying several modifications and reprinting parts to improve it, all without success. I’m not sure if the MMU3 is any more reliable.



Click here for VIDEO BUILD GUIDES + 3D Printing Tips!

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Posted : 19/11/2024 10:10 pm
Oregun liked
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

This is long overdue. Good for Prusa to release a core XY that they've been using in their print farm, so they should have initial bugs shaken out. My only concern is that they used a terrible platform for the communication system in their XL/MK4. Zero on-board ram so you need to use the USB drive as a buffer (unforgivable) , a $5 wireless module that is different from their wired ethernet system on the buddy board. Wish they had bitten the bullet and put in a Pi subsystem similar to what I run OctoPrint on so that it would have lots of untapped horsepower for future development. Wonder if the Core One uses the same system as the XL/MK4. 

Posted : 19/11/2024 10:20 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I just upgraded my two MK3S+ -> MK4 -> MK4S earlier this year, but this new upgrade is super tempting. I'll be following this closely to see how well the Core One performs. It mentions it is supposedly even faster than the MK4S, so I'm interested to see how much so in the real world. I guess once the profiles are in PrusaSlicer I could check to see the estimates there.

Posted : 19/11/2024 11:11 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I was looking to upgrade my mk3s+ as it was the oldest printer in my shop and I was going to convert it to an MK4s to be on par with my other machines.  I've been just using it to print PLA packaging stuff lately because the print quality is not quite as good as the mk4.

I ordered this instead to replace it and will be selling my mk3s+ and enclosure. 

I think this is exactly what Prusa needed. I think what it offers, and for the price will be a good seller. 

My MK4's are workhorses and have the best print quality in the Prusa consumer lineup, even better then the XL.

That being said the XL is my go to printer for printing non production stuff, mostly because of the ease of having 5 filaments on tap.  It's nice to send a print and not have to mess with changing filaments.

Posted : 19/11/2024 11:11 pm
Oregun liked
Active Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

According to the release video, the Core One sounds like the new plattform supportet for the next years, similar to the i3 plattform. What do you think? Will the bedslinging i3 plattform be continued? Will it be upgraded similar to the Core One or is the Core One the next step for the MK4s?

Posted : 19/11/2024 11:14 pm
Craig Trader
Active Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

Once Prusa releases the upgrade kit for my MK4S, I'll be ordering it. 

Posted : 20/11/2024 12:32 am
Oregun liked
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

Looking forward to your build series! 🙂

Posted by: @iftibashir

Initial thoughts??

Looks very interesting - printing any material without opening the chamber etc.

Shipping for the kit starts April 2025.....but we all know what Prusa are like with shipping new releases!!......

What are your thoughts???


Posted : 20/11/2024 1:06 am
iftibashir and Brian liked
Reputable Member

I am curious about how the "Active Temperature Control" works.  It is mentioned in a couple places in the video. 

The "vent" on top is obviously a MANUAL operation (i.e., manually engage when printing PLA and maybe PETG).  But how is the desired temperature (to control the fans) set?  It would be nice if it was via Gcode, but that would mean controlling the fans (or sending the target temp, perhaps via I2C, to some other module that monitors temp and controls the fans).  But the I2C connection is needed for the HackerBoard, which is separately mentioned as still being an option.

Has anyone spotted anything in the videos or announcement post that tells how the desired chamber temp is SET for each print?

Posted : 20/11/2024 1:56 am
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

If this runs like a Prusa, it's going to be hard to beat.
Posted : 20/11/2024 2:08 am
Oregun liked
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