Poor quality
I got a printer that didn't have the firmware loaded. The next day I discovered that half of the fixing pins in the top lid were missing. Yesterday my orange bracket on the front door fell off because the screws were missing, it was just stuck on with two small pieces of tape. I'm curious to see what else turns up. I wonder who tested the printer and who did the output check. It's negligence
RE: Poor quality
I would suggest you get on to support via the Live Chat system, it should not have arrived in that state. Was the box damaged (I.E. could it have been damaged in transit and the courier just stuck it back together?
RE: Poor quality
Having to install the firmware from USB is apparently a deliberate step -- see the setup instructions:
The other sloppiness you describe is unfortunately par for the course with the early Core One shipments, based on other posts seen here. Better check the belt tension too, since it has been significantly too high or too low in some shipped printers. And after you have adjusted both belts to 85 Hz (using the "belt tuner" in the Prusa App), check that your X gantry is not skewed: When moved all the way to the front, it needs to touch the frame on both sides, left and right.
Oh, and you may need to lubricate the three Z lead screws. Apparently that's not always done during assembly.
RE: Poor quality
No, the printer was packaged very well.
RE: Poor quality
Yes, the manual says that the drive contains the latest firmware, but my USB drive did not contain any firmware.
RE: Poor quality
I discovered that half of the fixing pins in the top lid were missing.
I believe they are not missing but they are omitted by intention. They are unnecessary and would just slow down removal of the top panel (if you ever want to remove it).