Please make the $299 MK4S -> Core One voucher available to all who bought an MK4S or MK4 -> MK4S Conversion kit
I think it would do Prusa to consider all of us who supported the MK4S considering that Prusa knew the Core One would follow the MK4S very quickly.
I ordered my MK4 -> MK4S upgrade in August and received it in mid October and in late November Prusa announces the Core One. That's like 6 weeks after I received the upgrade.
Come on Prusa, give us a break and give us the MK4S -> Core One upgrade voucher. I will gladly pay the $299 right now for delivery in March/April.
RE: Please make the $299 MK4S -> Core One voucher available to all who bought an MK4S or MK4 -> MK4S Conversion kit
I also purchased the upgrade and received it around the time you did. I bought both the MK4, and the 4S upgrade when they both first came out. I don't really see why we should get a discount though. Keep in mind that you need the 4S to go to Core so we would need the 4S upgrade anyway. If I stop and think about it, it does make my 4S upgrade almost worthless if I buy the Core kit and relegate my MK4S to backup duty. But on the other hand $99 isn't too big of a deal and I will have likely gotten close to half a year out of the upgrade by the time Core comes in.
I am thinking about buying a MK4S kit now with the voucher on the hope that I can upgrade it sooner than waiting for the kit. This will also hopefully let me dodge import duty and sales tax if I buy in two parts, plus free shipping on the printer and some minor gifts. It is tempting.
Posted in your other thread but seems fitting here.......
There are always upgrades and updates around each corner. When we purchased the MK4 we knew it would be upgraded at some point. It's natural progression. Same with the MK4S, and it will be the same with the Core One. Personally I think its commendable of Prusa to even offer the direct upgrade path in the first instance - you don't get that with many companies, who would expect you to purchase a whole new printer if you wanted that model - and this is a case where its a major redesign too. Which other company offers such progression paths?
I don't think it's fair to say Prusa should compensate or offer discounts to every single MK4s owner - they have done that already by offering a cheaper conversion alternative. Whether you choose to opt for it or not is up to you, but the choice is there nonetheless - and again, thats not a choice many companies even offer in the first instance.
At the same time they don't want to cannibalise their current sales - so offering the voucher for a direct upgrade for NEW orders makes perfect business sense.
This is business after all, and I commend Prusa for the way they operate. Be grateful for the cheaper upgrade path, where you are making a saving already.
The only thing I hate is the waiting times!!! lol
--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--
RE: Please make the $299 MK4S -> Core One voucher available to all who bought an MK4S or MK4 -> MK4S Conversion kit
One word. YES 😎 👍