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Not the greatest unboxing experience  

Illustrious Member
Not the greatest unboxing experience

This was not what I was used to from buying quite a few Mk3, Mk4, Mini, and XL printers over the years. 

Box arrived looking good. No obvious damage. 

However, upon unpacking it turned out there was no power cable and no anti-vibration bars included. Not the end of the world as I had spare cables and felt feet lying around but still, really? You forgot to pack a power cable?

Next I noticed that about 30 or so of the super cheap plastic rivets that hold the side and top panel and some other parts in place had popped out, I assume during transportation. Thankfully, a package of 50 spares was included, so that was a silver lining. But again, for a machine at this price point, those rivets are just an embarrassment. 

Assembly is really only one step, attaching the LCD cable, but that one or two centimeters of cable that others have mentioned would have been really nice to have and make it much, much easier. 

Calibration no problem. When the fans turned on, I was like "WTF?"  I hope that's not the normal sound level during standard operations.

Now I have to figure out how to turn off the "door open" check and start my first prints.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 17/02/2025 8:47 pm
John and Brian liked
Honorable Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

We'll see if the fans are needed.  I've never opened the door on my enclosures for PETG or PLA, and they print fine.  That might be because I design all my own stuff and design it for 3d printing without crazy overhangs etc, but I'm not planning on using the exhaust fans unless it gets above 40°C for PLA and 45 for PETG.

The only unknown for me is how the filtration will work.  I want it to recirculate in the enclosure.  I ordered within an hour of the release, but opted to get the filtration system and camera which means I won't get the printer until April probably.  I can wait since I currently have enough printers to keep up.

Hopefully by then all of the bugs will be worked out. 

Looking forward to your feedback.

Posted : 17/02/2025 9:32 pm
Illustrious Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

Also, no handbook, no Haribo ☹️ 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 17/02/2025 9:50 pm
_KaszpiR_ liked
Honorable Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

No Haribo.... Now heads need to roll. 

Posted : 17/02/2025 11:18 pm
Scotttomo liked
Trusted Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience


Posted by: @foxrun3d

 no Haribo ☹️ 

NOW I'm upset!

That sounds like a lot was missed, have you contacted support to tell them? I'd be a bit worried about what else was missed (not tightened down, screwed in, etc...)

Posted : 18/02/2025 3:04 am
Guppy liked
Illustrious Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

have you contacted support to tell them

You bet!

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 18/02/2025 3:42 am
Taubin liked
Active Member

Mine arrived yesterday and everything was in there.

Couple of minor annoyances that were different from the setup guide.

  • There was clearly no test print on the heatbed so not sure why it mentions to remove it in the guide
  • The heatbed was also not installed but available seperately - as one would expect actually
  • More cumbersome was the fact that it was clearly tested as some filament was still loaded so instead of following the setup guide to 'load the first filament', I had to 'unload' that remainder bit first ... again potentially confusing if you don't have any prior prusa experience

And then sadly after 2 test prints the whole thing got clogged apparently and the show was over .. but let me post another topic for that...

Overall not the greatest experience I had - especially having waited 3 months for this new 'flagship' to arrive ..


This post was modified 1 month ago by Sedacrivity
Posted : 18/02/2025 10:29 am
Prominent Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

My Haribo always went into the bin anyways - they should include Vegan friendly ones! (not that I'm vegan, but we do not eat animal/pork Gelatin)

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Posted : 18/02/2025 10:33 am
Illustrious Member

In one of the old Prusa Live videos they mentioned that the declaration paperwork for importing the Haribo in some countries was much more complex than for the printer and getting harder, some border controls threaten to destroy the entire consignment for a paper 'infringement'.

Have there been any changes in border controls in your country?


Posted : 18/02/2025 11:39 am
Estimable Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

I too, toss the Haribo.  The last two I received were so old and tough they were un-chewable.  😝

Posted : 18/02/2025 5:45 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience
Posted by: @largriff

I too, toss the Haribo.  The last two I received were so old and tough they were un-chewable.  😝

Based on my extensive Haribo experience and my assumptions on Prusa's shipping throughput, that seems highly unlikely. You should allow them to warm up first! Actually, that must be the real purpose of including them in the package: If the gummy bears are not properly gummy yet, you need to wait with the printer setup to let it come up to room temperature and avoid the risk of condensation. 😉  

Posted : 18/02/2025 7:03 pm
Active Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

I just opened my Prusa today.  I wished they had me install the anti vibration things BEFORE I turned the machine upright.  Instructions have you turn it upright and then lay it down again, and you kinda have to also know that it won't lay down on its back.  It scratched the new table I bought for the printer.  It reminded me of the time with Thomas Sanlander reviewed the mini.  He had just got a new table for his studio and the mini scratched up his new table.  I stumbled around a bit in the unboxing and setting up.  My thumb drive was missing the firmware so I had to load that up.  All in all, it went well.  All the things were where they should be and in good condition.  First test print went well. 

Posted : 24/02/2025 5:04 am
Jose Rivera
Active Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

My Core One arrived without lead screws for the rear Z axis motor. Okay, that sucks, but no M3 or M4 screw of any length takes purchase in the pilot holes. They appear to be untapped. I'm at a loss about how this could happen, or what the solution is. tap them myself? (don't have the tools for that).

To say the unboxing experience has been frustrating is an understatement. I have a 50ib paperweight until support gets back to me.

I really hate saying this, but at this prize point this is unacceptable - this machine clearly has not been tested, despite the little receipt saying it was.

Posted : 04/03/2025 11:26 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

I got a receipt showing my MK4S KIT had passed all testing.  On a KIT.  Totally unassembled.  sure.

Posted : 05/03/2025 1:00 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience


Posted by: @largriff

I got a receipt showing my MK4S KIT had passed all testing.  On a KIT.  Totally unassembled.  sure.


They still have to test the motors, power supply, motherboard, etc...

Posted : 05/03/2025 4:40 pm
Brian liked
Eminent Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

My printer greeted me with a firmware not installed error message. Luckily the file was on the USB stick, but I wonder how they tested it without the firmware. There was no testprint on the bed, but a bit of filament in the tube.

Posted : 15/03/2025 7:01 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience


Posted by: @andreas-19

My printer greeted me with a firmware not installed error message. Luckily the file was on the USB stick, but I wonder how they tested it without the firmware. There was no testprint on the bed, but a bit of filament in the tube.

Did you read the instructions?  From what I've seen from others it says you need to install the firmware as it comes on the USB stick.

Posted : 15/03/2025 8:36 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

The instructions stating to insert the USB before powering on are listed on the website version of the instructions but not in the included book (at least it wasn't listed in mine). As for testing without firmware, they use a testing rig to test the screens. There are a few videos of tours of Prusa where this is shown. They won't need firmware installed for this as it will be getting the instructions from the testing rig directly.

Posted : 15/03/2025 8:51 pm
Brian liked
Eminent Member
RE: Not the greatest unboxing experience

Yep, I read it and it doesn't say anything about installing the firmware. Instead it says, on first power up, the selftest is about to start. It's not a major problem, since this is not my first Prusa, but when you pay 300 € extra for an assembled printer, you kind of expect it to work out of the box.

Posted : 15/03/2025 9:19 pm
Brian liked