I NEED PusaConnect Cancel Object to WORK! - PLEASE FIX - 7k Wasted?? Crickets?
I recently spent around $7000 on quantity two Prusa XL 5-head printers hoping they would be great additions to my print farm. While having multiple extruders is amazing, using these XL printers for production has then anything but, costing me several hundred dollars in material due to full plate failures, and countless hours of time ( much higher monetary value) trying to work around this ridiculous bug! as I understand it this issue is not specific to the XL, it is for any Prusa printer using Prusa Connect
I have been printing almost 24 seven for years on older model Prusa printers using Octoprint and I never had any kind of issue canceling an object regardless of how many objects were on the plate. It's current functionality is limited to something silly, like 16 objects. I have tried all workarounds. " cancel current" from the LCD screen, nope, does not work. You are simply screwed if anyone of your objects beyond 16 has an issue. Unacceptable!
I did not buy these XL printers to print multicolor unicorns, these are business machines, they are responsible for printing full plates of high quantity parts. is absolutely critical to have the ability to cancel one to not lose the entire plate of small parts on multi-day, full plate jobs!!!
I have an open ticket on git hub here: https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy/issues/4375
Here is another thread going here on these forums - ::crickets chirping::: - https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/bugs-errors/bug-prusa-connect-w-xl-cancel-object-fails-error-422-w-large-number-of-objects/#post-733276
Please help/acknowledge this is being addressed otherwise I will need to consider my options as far as returns and disputes go. This has driven me to the point of extreme frustration...
If my post helps you please consider downloading & making one of my most popular Prusa-Printables 3D models below:1. Ultimate Printer Knob Upgrade - The Best Knob of Both Worlds 2. Prusa MK3S Right…
RE: I NEED PusaConnect Cancel Object to WORK! - PLEASE FIX - 7k Wasted?? Crickets?
Give me a freaking alpha firmware release, I'll be the tester, something, anything, I am suffering!!!!!!!
If my post helps you please consider downloading & making one of my most popular Prusa-Printables 3D models below:1. Ultimate Printer Knob Upgrade - The Best Knob of Both Worlds 2. Prusa MK3S Right…
Er, no, they're not business machines, the nearest business machine competitor costs at least ten times as much. if you buy hobbyist machines for a business purpose you must expect some limitations. Cancel object works well from the LCD menu. If you cannot accept that then keep the build sheet religiously clean or revert to printing objects singly. If you need more than a few hundred identical objects it's usually cheaper to mould them.
Nice try, if they were not meant for production then why does Prusa themselves run their own printers 24/7 producing parts for their own products? did you seriously just my build plate clean? Did you miss the part where I run a print farm and I've been printing 24 seven for many years? How many plastic parts on your Prusa printer are injection molded?
Here's a tour perfectly contradicting your ridiculous statement, noob.
Cancel object is a very basic feature which was half-baked in Prusa Connect upon release. I'm asking for a feature to function, not industrial robustness, apple and oranges. Running printers for production comes with wear and tear and parts are replaced as needed, asked me how I know I have prepared printers countless times over the years, it's to be expected...
This is different, cancel object does not mean cancel one of my "10 colorful Magic Dragon models" it means "cancel object" any of the objects that are on the plate. go ahead, tell me your magic number, what should it be 20? 50? 100? I'll wait.
Actually I won't wait... it should be whatever the hell number fits on the plate.
Standing by for more Prusa crickets.
If my post helps you please consider downloading & making one of my most popular Prusa-Printables 3D models below:1. Ultimate Printer Knob Upgrade - The Best Knob of Both Worlds 2. Prusa MK3S Right…
RE: I NEED PusaConnect Cancel Object to WORK! - PLEASE FIX - 7k Wasted?? Crickets?
my dictation software butchered that post, pasting it again for clarity because apparently edits are on a timer (I have never seen anything like that in my 30+ years of forum browsing by the way):
Nice try, if they were not meant for production then why does Prusa run their own printers nonstop producing parts for their own products? Did you seriously just tell me to "keep my build plate clean", or "revert to single object printing"? Perhaps you missed the part where I run a print farm and I've been printing nonstop for years? How many plastic parts on your Prusa printer are injection molded? Count them and let me know.
Here's a Prusa tour perfectly contradicting your ridiculous "go by an industrial printer suggestion" , noob.
Cancel object is a very basic feature which was half-baked in Prusa Connect upon release yet has worked perfectly in Octoprint for years. I'm asking for the PrusaConnect feature to function, not for industrial robustness, apple and oranges. Running printers for production comes with wear and tear, parts are replaced as needed, ask me how I know. I have repaired my printers countless times over the years, it's to be expected...
This is different, “cancel object” does not mean cancel one of my "16 colorful Magic Dragon models" it means "cancel object" any of the objects that are on the plate. go ahead, tell me your magic number, what should it be 20? 50? 100? I'll wait.
Actually, I won't wait... It should be whatever the hell number of parts fit on the plate. Maybe they should change the right-click option in Prusa slicer from “fill bed with instances” to “fill bed with 16 objects” ???
Standing by for more Prusa crickets.
If my post helps you please consider downloading & making one of my most popular Prusa-Printables 3D models below:1. Ultimate Printer Knob Upgrade - The Best Knob of Both Worlds 2. Prusa MK3S Right…