How to pause during gcode printing
I am attempting to modify a chess board. I intend to have embedded washers in the chess board to attract the magnets that I have installed in the bottom of all of the chess pieces. My current issue is determining how to edit the gcode file to pause during the print process so I can install washers into the 64 void cylinders I have created in the chess board. This is what ChatGPT told me to do, but I cannot locate the choices that are mentioned:
"Setting the Pause in PrusaSlicer
To pause the print after the voids are finished:
In PrusaSlicer, go to Print Settings.Under Advanced or Custom G-code, look for Pause Print (Layer/Height).Set the pause height to 3.05 mm."
Can anyone tell me how to do this using PrusaSlicer 2.8.1?
Thanks for you replies,
-- Steve
Import and slice your chessboard.
Slide the scrollbar on the right of the preview pane to the desired pause height,
Right-click on the '+' sign that moves with the scrollbar,
Select Add pause ... and maybe add a message
Then re-slice and the pause will be inserted in the g-code.