Rotate Camera Image in App
On the website version, I can rotate the image, but I cannot rotate the image in the app (or, I cannot figure out how to do it). Is this functionality that might be available down the line for the app version (iOS)?
RE: Rotate Camera Image in App
if you got any idea of how to rotate the image, I would be very interested, too 🙂
RE: Rotate Camera Image in App
Just contacted prusa support and was told they would forward the request (to rotate it in the mobile app) to the developers.
RE: Rotate Camera Image in App
It would be nice to rotate the image. I mounted the Buddy 3D campera upside down on a near by shelf... would be nice to rotate the image.
RE: Rotate Camera Image in App
Adding/deleting cameras on PrusaConnect adds/deletes the camera on the Prusa App. But rotating the Camera on PrusaConnect does not rotate it in the app. There is a lot of promised software for the Buddy 3D camera. Fingers crossed.
RE: Rotate Camera Image in App
I received an update of the prusa app, changelog shows the following (did not test it yet, though)
RE: Rotate Camera Image in App
Addendum: it works brilliantly. There is a small arrow button at the bottom right of the camera image which rotates the image for 90° per click.