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"Smartifying" the Prusa Enclosures filter fan and LED?  

Active Member
"Smartifying" the Prusa Enclosures filter fan and LED?

Hi guys,

I searched the internet for an >>easy<< way to control a filters fan (the Prusa/Alveo 24V fan) with home assistant or octoprint. 
This is what I already studied:

What I simply want is to start the filters fan when the print is starting and to shut it off with delay when the print is done. 

Sure it would be awesome to regulate the fans speed or to implement an air quality sensor. There are several topics across the internet when it comes to smartifying the enclosure, but that requires some electrical skills that I don't have. 

Are there any solutions for my plans which offer mostly plug and play (with rapsberry pi) or do I really have to dig deep and learn how to do it?

Best regards


This topic was modified 2 months ago by Dennis_1337
Posted : 07/12/2024 1:11 pm
RE: "Smartifying" the Prusa Enclosures filter fan and LED?

Not sure if it's easy or not, as it depends on your knowledge, but I'm planning on doing something similar using the Prusa GPIO Module.

My idea is to turn on the fan while printing, depending on the filament used (PLA or PETG, to keep the enclosure cool).

Posted : 20/01/2025 4:16 pm
Prominent Member

the easiest would be esp32 + ephome + generic gpio relay, which would be toggled by HA automation when the printer prints + some delay after it stops to print for additional ventilation.

Maybe try something like Adafruit stack - the modules are plug and play, no soldering is required
cable between the relay and the board
board or

you may need to first update U2 firmware on the board 

then write esphome to it esphome (watch it it's quite old)

and connect it to HomeAssistant

and use yaml to configure device to add a relay to it


With just raspebrryPi you would have to have just a relaya and a cable and some scripts on the raspberry to use specific pins to control the relay, and somehow expose it in the HomeAssistant (haven't done it on RPI)

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 20/01/2025 10:44 pm