I don't have PrusaLink API key in the settings of my printer - can't connect printer with Prusa Slicer
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I don't have PrusaLink API key in the settings of my printer - can't connect printer with Prusa Slicer  

Active Member
I don't have PrusaLink API key in the settings of my printer - can't connect printer with Prusa Slicer

Hello! As in the topic - my former printer connected to Prusa Connect has both PrusaLink and PrusaConnect api keys but the second printer that I have added yesterday has only PrusaConnect. Everything works fine but I can not connect the printer to Prusa Slincer due to lack of this api key.

How should I proceed?

Posted : 29/04/2023 11:00 am
Member Moderator
RE: I don't have PrusaLink API key in the settings of my printer - can't connect printer with Prusa Slicer

Hi, please use HTTP digest authentication going forward. You can still auto-generate the API key in the PrusaLink settings if you wish.

Posted : 02/05/2023 12:10 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: I don't have PrusaLink API key in the settings of my printer - can't connect printer with Prusa Slicer

Thank you! Is it safe to store my printer's passwords in plain view in the settings?

Posted : 06/05/2023 2:51 pm
Member Moderator
RE: I don't have PrusaLink API key in the settings of my printer - can't connect printer with Prusa Slicer

It is not ideal. The same can be said about the API key. Anyone that got to it could control your printer without restrictions. Well if anyone got into your system and can see the contents of your files, you are all sorts of screwed anyways. But having the option to crypt it would be nice, that's for sure.

Posted : 10/05/2023 11:03 am