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FullcontrolGcode config file  

Cédric Doutriaux
FullcontrolGcode config file


I begin working with fullcontrolGcode(in python) : very nice tool to generate beautyfull objects !

After made amazing things with a MK4, I would like to benefits of the size and the multihead capacity of PrusaXL.
But I found the config of the XL is a quite more complicated than another config file.
It's not only a copy paste in fullcontrol.

asI tell in the github repo of full control the config transposition is less simple than expected.

Does anybody can help me to create a fully fonctionnal (at least 1 head, but idealy 5) XL config file  for fullcontrol ?

It would be veryyy great 😉

Posted : 16/12/2024 12:56 pm