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Support for HDPE  

New Member
Support for HDPE

Hello, I’m getting my XL 5 tool 8/15.

Then I'm going to print some chassis parts for a Secma 500 Sport, that is too be print in HDPE filament.

Does anybody have experience with HDPE printing ?

Link too literature ?

Any suggestion of support material ?

Posted : 11/08/2024 10:34 am
Illustrious Member

Must it be HDPE?  It's tricky to print and awkward to design for - a pity as otherwise it would be an ideal recyclable material.

It warps badly, contracts a lot on cooling, the interlayer adhesion is very temperature sensitive and bed adhesion is poor.  You will have to print several calibration parts for any design before you get accurate dimensions. Oh, and the filament MUST be thoroughly dried before use.  If parts must fit together getting the sizing right will be a nightmare.

The nearest easily printable filament (underlying chemistry) is PETG which has many of the same physical properties but few of the faults.


Posted : 11/08/2024 4:50 pm
BKG liked
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Support for HDPE

Diem, thanks for good info, yes it need to bee welded to the rest of the chassis, so I think it has too bee PE.

But I am making plan B shopping pe sheets, and try forming them.

I have 1 roll of HDPE filament, so I'm trying print it, have too make cabinet for the printer first.

Any experience how XL in cabinet is to heat to about 50’C

Posted : 11/08/2024 7:55 pm