PA6-cf, and pet-cf breaking in extruder
I’m trying to print some parts on my enclosed 5 tool xl from ppa high temp nylon 6 with 20% cf fill on a .6mm obxidian nozzle.
I first dried it at 70C for 12 hours after pulling it from the factory bag. It’s printing straight from the drybox which is still 70C. I keep getting extrusion failures mid-print which don’t trip the stuck filament sensor, due to the extruder breaking the filament.
i have tried fiddling with the extruder tension, backing it way off seems to help some.
Chamber temp is around 40c. Nozzle temp won’t go past 290c(i thought 300 was the max?)
i have tried 6 prints at varying layer heights from .15 to .25 and varying speeds from 30mm/s to 90mm/s.
I have had similar issues with pet-cf, pvb, and pva, mostly from polymaker, and also from sirayatech.
I need to get 5x 5hour prints done for a client by monday, so any help would be much appreciated
RE: PA6-cf, and pet-cf breaking in extruder
I am currently having similar issues with my prints. I am also printing with siraya tech paht cf. I have notice with mine that it prints perfect quality up until the roll reaches 500g after this it simply snaps. Have you found a solution other than not using this material?
I know it's an old thread, For anyone coming here from Google:
Had the same issue at work. "Solution" was to alter the design of the idler lever to only use one idler wheel and center it, so the bending radius is minimized. It's workable in the print farm, because the printer is not used for anything but PET-CF. Good luck printing tpu like that. I think Prusa needs to do something about this. I would be fine with a easily swappable idler lever as I don't think it's fixable with the Nextruder design without drastically increasing idler wheel diameter. Here is the link to my design if you are desperate. If you have multiple machines or a tool changer XL it might be useful to you as well.