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First XL Multi Color print ... Epic Fail ...  

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M.J. Caboose
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First XL Multi Color print ... Epic Fail ...

Yes ... I might do so ...

I wanted to publish a couple of my robot models there anyway ... didn't do so for quite some time.

Currently I am a little bit "overscheduled" ... so gimme 2-3 weeks then I will publish the model with all its settings together with the 3mfs

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Posted : 02/11/2023 2:50 pm
Jeggo liked
Reputable Member
RE: First XL Multi Color print ... Epic Fail ...

For PLA all stringing is easily solved by :

1. Changing the temps for PLA to around 205C

2. Set "Retraction on tool disable" for each extruder to about 11.7mm.

With the above it should eliminate stringing to the point where you can probably disable the prime tower.

PETG? Keep the prime tower enabled and make sure the extruder temp is around 215C.

The shape of the melt zone on this new heater block means the temp set is way too hot.

Posted : 16/11/2023 3:46 am
RobAs liked
Reputable Member
RE: First XL Multi Color print ... Epic Fail ...

Strangely the IS Prusament PLA profile in the latest beat of PS sets the first layer to 230c and the rest to 220c

Posted : 16/11/2023 10:57 am
M.J. Caboose
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First XL Multi Color print ... Epic Fail ...

Reduced temperature seems to be the key here ... Retraction provides the last bit of improvement ... My experience as well is the failing of the PS profile set for Prusament PLA ... The stringing is way above a toleration level and also the walls get quite "unclean" ... the oozing creates a lot of imperfections, and when comming from another toolhead/color even more ugly color spots that can't be removed.

I finished another big robot print which turned out quite well. I will publish it on Printables somewhen during this week.

It turned out that Prusament blendet filaments (in this case "Blend my Silverness") is not suitable for this profile ... when printing hot, it strings and blobs quite intense ... but when printing with 200°C the extruder starts to skip steps and I gut ugly "holes" in the surface. You can see this on the front of the arms and other brighter silver parts ... The head I reprinted with "Galaxy Silver" which worked way better.

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Posted : 20/11/2023 12:47 pm
M.J. Caboose
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First XL Multi Color print ... Epic Fail ...

But this was for the time beeing my last big figure print ...

A problem I observed already in the very beginning is getting more serious ... Long running prints are failing almost regular now. At a certain point the printer starts to print only diagonal lines ... The left stepper motor seems not to move any longer after some print time ...
Unfortunately I didn't catch that behaviour live ... but the results were pretty disappointing:

At least bridges are working fine 🙄 

Support tried several different software combinations together with me but finally gave up. XL Dev. Team is now involved ... Let's see what is comming up.

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Posted : 20/11/2023 12:54 pm
Reputable Member
RE: First XL Multi Color print ... Epic Fail ...

Looks bad.

I wonder… Assuming you’ve checked the set screws on the motor pullys….

A possibility; gcode corruption. I really hope you’re not using the craptastic thumb drive they sent with the printer! Or… sending the gcode file via lan or wan.

Posted : 20/11/2023 3:53 pm
M.J. Caboose
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First XL Multi Color print ... Epic Fail ...

I checked all those things .. gCode .. Pully ..

I also had some issues with USB sticks ... but this is a clear error message ... and not printing crap 🙂 ... So it is not the case here. I never used WLAN/LAN for printing ...

So let's see what the dev team is comming up with.

- Made by me -

Posted : 20/11/2023 4:14 pm
Reputable Member

I am starting to believe that the long small PTFE filament tubes cause some of these issues. I have had a few issues when the temp in my enclosure gets over 46C the filament wants to stop feeding through the filament tubes. I and going to do some more experimenting but I really feel that this is what is happening on mine.  If it drops a layer then starts feeding again it looks just like your print.


Posted : 21/11/2023 12:28 am
RE: First XL Multi Color print ... Epic Fail ...

I am new to 3d printing and to the Prusa community.
I received my XL 5 tool a few weeks ago and have stumbled upon these posts about muti-tool printing. 
I did see the video linked of (3D Print Dogs). Goodstuff!

For this printer, would you guys have any recommendations on tutorials.
Or any good print files and simple follow through videos like the one linked here to test and understand the settings and expectations of (What ever print file linked)

Thank you for your time!

Posted : 17/06/2024 7:33 pm
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