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USB error mid print  

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Estimable Member
RE: USB error mid print


Good to see that there is an improvement. Though my question is that if it was a hardware issue , noise sensitivity etc why didn't most of us have this issue with the 5.* firmware? Also as @jan-kratochvil stated above they found the possible culprit and they are working towards a solution. But to be honest im also curious if at the end a ferrite choke is the "proper" remedy to a buggy hardware design and better that software based workarounds. 

Posted : 24/06/2024 6:28 am
Peter Larsen
RE: USB error mid print


Posted by: @ineedonedesigns

Hi Would you have a link for the model / type of ferrite choke  you used?

Posted : 24/06/2024 2:22 pm
Active Member
RE: USB error mid print


did two separate test:

1. Cooling: active cooling of electronics in the back. First run with fans switched of second with fans running. Guess what. Both failed

2. Ferrite: Unlike every Test before, print stoped but I was able to choose proceed and it did so. How ether not very long. This time stopping without any massage and I was not able to proceed.

might a second ferret close to the control panel would be a test worth?

Posted : 25/06/2024 6:40 pm
Active Member
RE: USB error mid print

I have ended my tests, and i have now a 3k big paperweight. I can say that are not the answer:

- Back cover fan (It is recommended even it is not solution).

- Firmware 6.0.2

- New usb Cable

- New LCD/board

- New Pendrive

- Direct usb file copy (without prusalink/connect)


Posted : 26/06/2024 10:28 am
New Member
RE: USB error mid print

I have not had any new USB issues since I upgraded firmware long ago.  I do connect my USB stick using a USB extension cable, but that's really just for convenience of plugging in the USB stick without having to bend over to reach the printer.  I'm on 6.0.2 now.

I have noticed that the USB stick gets quite hot, even when I'm not using/printing anything.  It's as if the XL is actively engaging / polling the USB stick even when it's idle?  I wonder if this might shorten the lifetime of the drive ... maybe I'll try to keep it unplugged from now on.

Posted : 26/06/2024 11:48 am
Active Member
RE: USB error mid print

Has anyone had success with the new 6.0.3 firmware? I just ran a successful print overnight after updating.

Posted : 26/06/2024 2:18 pm
Active Member
RE: USB error mid print

So far I haven't had any issues with 6.0.3 and have had about 3 successful prints. But still a little too soon to tell I think. 

Posted : 27/06/2024 4:33 am
Active Member
RE: USB error mid print

Spoke too soon. Got the same error on 6.03. Luckily, keeping the sliced file open on my computer and replacing it in the USB worked.

Posted : 27/06/2024 1:34 pm

Today i got to experience this issue again myself half way through a 16 hour print. On the newest firmware, 6.0.3, with an MMU3 print.

This is great, considering that the new firmware promised to make this issue easier to circumvent! Unfortunately, no matter what i tried, the "continue" button did not work but just lead to the same issue again. Replacing the file from my computer also didn't work. I had no issues like this since a few months. And a friend of mine is now also experiencing USB issues since upgtrading to the 6.0.3 firmware, and she never did before. So this update made it worse, seemingly?

Meanwhile, due to "too little" activity, the related issue on GitHub was closed by stalebot. Awesome. Thanks!

This post was modified 8 months ago by laura_fae
Posted : 27/06/2024 6:01 pm
RE: USB error mid print

I also have the problem, I was able to fix it by attaching two ferrite cores to the ribbon cable, one near the buddy board and the other near the display

The Printer is now running for 2 days without problems

Posted : 29/06/2024 6:27 am
RE: USB error mid print

I am also having this issue on my new 5TH XL. Totally derailing my weekend print. Running the latest firmware. So I guess I might be able to continue it if I was anywhere near the printer. But i can only stare at a half completed print on prusaconnect. Hopefully they get this soon as this is a very bad experience. 

Posted : 30/06/2024 7:39 pm
XL beta tester for far too long
Eminent Member

I am still working with support for months. I had a hundred of hours of various successful prints and now USB mid print issues are back.

Firmware 6.0.3

Posted : 11/07/2024 7:28 pm
XL beta tester for far too long
Eminent Member
RE: USB error mid print

Ditch the USB drive and pony up for on board memory.

Posted : 11/07/2024 7:30 pm
Peter Larsen
RE: USB error mid print

Since I have attached a ferrite core to the lcd tablet, I have not experienced a single stop/misprint. Don't care what others say, but for me it has helped.

Posted : 11/07/2024 7:58 pm
Trusted Member
RE: USB error mid print

Yeah, I was really surprised to learn that this printer doesn't come with local storage and requires instead a thumb drive. So I think it would be great to ditch the USB stick...

Posted : 11/07/2024 8:00 pm
Active Member
RE: USB error mid print


Posted by: @wsurf4me

Hi, I've had my 2 head XL for a couple weeks now and have printed at least a dozen different things without issue. I've been using the 2.7 alpha slicer and firmware version 5.1 alpha for about a week now with no issues, just completed a 6 hour print last night that came out great. Today I've run into an issue where the printer stops/freezes mid print, somewhere around 40% and sits there. When I pause and resume the printer post a USB failed to read file error. I've tried reslicing and also saving as bgcode and it still fails. I'm now trying with 2.6.1 slicer to try and figure out what is going on. Has anyone seen this issue on the XL or MK4? Should I attempt to format the USB key? 

I got the same error after I write some GCODE files from my computer directly to the USB key. When it occured, I tried to reconnect the USB key. I seems to work, but the error came back at the same printing time.

So, I realized that I pulled out the USB key from the computer (window) without using the "remove peripheral safely" feature.

I erased the buggy file, copy it again from the computer to the USB key using "remove peripheral safely" and plug it back into the XL.

I've been printing for more than 50 h now and the USB error did'nt come back.

Posted : 17/07/2024 7:27 pm
Active Member
RE: USB error mid print

This just happened to me last night . Was the issue ever identified ? And a fix figured out ?


Posted : 19/07/2024 6:34 am
Active Member
RE: USB error mid print

I see 6.04 firmware was launched, it dont say problem is solved, only that it is due to overheat with high ambient temp (I have my doubts*), what they done is to show  that MCU is overheat.

Really this is how prusa will solve this problem?,  at south europe must I stop printer for 3 or 4 summer months?


* I have my doubts because I have suffered error even with Noctua 4020 MCU Fan installed and MCU never get hot than 50 celsius

Posted : 22/07/2024 9:27 am
Estimable Member
RE: USB error mid print


It doesn't seem to solve usb. At least there is nothing in the description that point to this. I asked the admin that announced the update to tell us at least what the problem is, so as to not keep circling around ferrite chockes, usbs etc but for some reason he doesnt bother to answer. I asked these questions on this thread too in an older post but they give us no clue as to what the problem is , why is it so difficult to solve and why is not present with the 5.? firmware? I mean they sell an enclosure for a hefty price tag because it utilises all theses features within the fw but if i upload it the rest of the printer becomes problematic.

Posted : 22/07/2024 11:21 am
XL beta tester for far too long
Eminent Member

I have had nothing but issues with my XL for over 2 months now. The customer support email responses are long winded gibberish that show up in a non timely manner and on occasion the response is not even applicable to the issues. Yes, issues, one after the other.  I am such a beta tester.  Today is day 7 waiting for "what are my next steps" response, support line is dead. USB issues is the biggest, USB errors after 10 or 12 hours, and does not properly recover. If it can't print it is a brick, don't buy expensive bricks. I'm hooped now, next steps is a lawyer is guess..

This post was modified 8 months ago by XL beta tester for far too long
Posted : 24/07/2024 2:51 pm
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