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Thermal Runaway Error When Almost Done?  

Trusted Member
Thermal Runaway Error When Almost Done?

Hadn't noticed issues before, but I updated to 6.0.2 a couple weeks ago and have had two thermal runaway shutdowns at nearly completed 20 hour prints - right around 99% or so.  After the first one, I checked extrusion on the extruder with the issue, which was fine, I replugged the thermistor which also appeared fine.  I did some other printing in between and more than 24 hours of print time since the first time... and the second one happens at nearly the same place (within a layer or two) of the same print (without one additional part far down on the print bed in the first sliced model), resliced and reloaded via USB.

Running a two headed XL with the 6.0.2 firmware and sliced in PrusaSlicer 2.8.0

Happens only at the ~98-99% level of a large/tall print, but happens there reliably

Has happened only on one extruder (this is the only one active in the finishing stages of the print)


Anyone else seeing thermal runaway errors pretty far along in the print?  There's some chance it's an intermittent fault, but that it appears to be happening exclusively in one position, I suspect it's a printer/slicer bug, but it seems to only happen in an annoying place.

Posted : 01/07/2024 6:42 am

I have a similar bug that happens reliably at the same spot over two different prints and printers.

Object 1 on XL1 (OctoPrint) failed at layer three doing the solid bottom layer. Temperature drop from 220 down to 212 then reset with Thermal Runaway warning. Started the print again (OctoPrint), TR at the exact same layer. started it a third time, same result. I reorientated Object 1 and it failed again on the same layer (Prusa XL USB). Moved on to another print to get some prints done. Object 2 printed fine and completed. Tried Object 1 again after a firmware flash (same version 6.1.2) and it completed. 2.8.0 Slicer throughout.

IMG_4020 2

A few days later. Object 3 on XL2 same issue with a Thermal Runaway on layer three solid infill, dropped to 212/220 before failing.

XL1 and XL2 are kits running all stock equipment, no silicon socks. Resistances and cables have been checked. 

If it happens again I'll capture more details.

This post was modified 4 weeks ago by
Posted : 03/09/2024 10:24 am