Remaining time options?
I would love to have options for the remaining time/time until finish/time to next change/elapsed time display.
I often only want to see the remaining time and do not want to wait for it to scroll through all of the other time displays. Some people only want to see the clock time that the print will finish. Would it be possible to either have an options menu to customize what to display, or to allow for the display to show more than one instead of scrolling?
RE: Remaining time options?
Came looking for exactly this. I either want to edit this loop, have time remaining display in the empty space in the middle of the screen, or have it as option for the customizable info across the bottom.
I don’t find total print time or time to next color change essential info and could be hidden in a menu option. It is essential that time remaining be displayed at all times
a feature request is probably the proper route for this but good to know other people are also looking for this customizability