Prusa XL - 5T Input Shaper 5.1.0-alpha2 results in X and Y crashes
During printing every 20 minutes or so there is a "A printer collision has been detected"-message. This seems to happen when the extruder moves fast to a new position. I'm using firmware 5.1.0-alpha2 and input shaper. Previous firmwares didn't have this issue.
RE: Prusa XL - 5T Input Shaper 5.1.0-alpha2 results in X and Y crashes
I’ve had several on the same firmware. It’s resulted in layer shifts. I’ve now disabled the crash detection but you may want to try the sensitivity first. I think it’s a big as it’s detecting crashes when there’s nothing to crash in to. Print looks great
RE: Prusa XL - 5T Input Shaper 5.1.0-alpha2 results in X and Y crashes
Same here. Reduced crash detection sensitivity to low. Have not had further error messages subsequent to this change. Hoping final release will fix many notable bugs mentioned in other posts. Prints are certainly better.
***SOLVED*** : Prusa XL - 5T Input Shaper 5.1.0-alpha2 results in X and Y crashes
Video attached
My issue was caused by excessive acceleration causing missed steps and crash detection. Solution was to dial back non-printing moves to 4000 mm/s^2. The profile settings in the slicer seem to be the cause.
I was having lots of layer shifts and crash detections. Downgraded firmware to stable release (Non- input shaper) and issue went away with same exact slicer and model (Different profile). The sound it made at max x+y travel sounded like it was causing a harmonic or missing steps. Setting the slicer acceleration to "0" (zero) uses the default acceleration and I have had zero collision detections even with max sensitivity.