Prusa Link print just stops part way through - no error message on printer or web page
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Prusa Link print just stops part way through - no error message on printer or web page  

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Prusa Link print just stops part way through - no error message on printer or web page

I noticed after the latest firmware (6.0.4) update that suddenly, the WiFi module which I had never successfully seen work suddenly said it was connected!  I was able to verify it and login to Prusa Link on my machine, so I decided I would try it out.  I couldn't figure out how to upload directly from PrusaSlicer (2.8.0), but exporting and then uploading to the page seemed to work fine, so I told it to start the print.  I saw an unspecific error pop up in the lower right and the print started, the popup disappearing quickly and not seeming to be around anymore.

After about 15 minutes of the print not starting and the nozzle not preheating, I went to the printer to check on it - it hadn't started because it was asking for filament confirmation (it doesn't want PET to be PETG and for some reason it always is) - but there was no evidence of this problem on the Prusa Link page.  Confirming this on the printer directly started the preheating of the nozzle.

Fast forward to about 8mm into the print, and while the printer had been left to do its thing, and apparently it stops.  I gathered this the next morning, but with no notification, failure, or evidence that a print was even in progress.  Normally if something errors out, you get the message on the printer's screen, and if there was a print that was paused, it stays on the printer's screen while being paused, but somewhere a few hours into this day long print, it just stopped, with no explanation, and sat there.

The bed and toolheads were cool.  The toolhead in use stopped mid extrusion, without even any retraction, to the point that lowering the bed when I came to check on it peeled the part it was working on off the bed.  There was no error on the screen, there was no evidence of a print having completed or stopped, there was no clear evidence of an error, and there was no evidence a job was in progress on the Prusa Link page.


What gives?  Is this feature just to be avoided?

Posted : 14/08/2024 3:45 pm