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Extruder Print Order (Multi-Tool)  

Active Member
Extruder Print Order (Multi-Tool)

Hi everyone,

this is actually maybe a prusaslicer question but related to Prusa XL Five-Toolhead: I loaded white filament to extruder 2 and black filament to extruder 3. My specific print would be very likely more successful if extruder 3 goes first and then extruder 2 goes second regarding print order (reason for that ist small white sections surrounded by black sections). The objects to be printed belong to the same model. It seems to me that prusaslicer is hardcoded to print in extruder order 1 => 2 => 3 => 4 => 5. I am unable to find any setting which allows me to start printing with extruder 3. It automatically picks extruder 2 first because 2 < 3....

I don't want to change filament colors each time a specific extruder print order is more reliable for first layer. I have many different color prints and colors change quite often so unloading / loading filament is no option despite it makes much more sense to select starting toolhead in prusaslicer to achieve the same print order.

Hopefully somone know's the trick to set extruder order within ONE Model having multiple parts.


Posted : 11/11/2023 4:51 pm
Tim liked
Reputable Member
RE: Extruder Print Order (Multi-Tool)

This was an issue with the MMU2 as well which is why it was a not so known thing to have darker filaments (filaments that would need more purge) on the higher number extruders relative to the lighter ones on the lower end. But MMU2 issues were basically ignored.

If there isn't one already I'd suggest creating a github ticket for Prusaslicer to add this. I'd assume an XL related thing would get more traction.


As a workaround you can swap tool mapping on the XL prior to printing. You'd just select replace instead of spool join.


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Posted : 11/11/2023 9:53 pm
Active Member
RE: Extruder Print Order (Multi-Tool)

You may already have this sorted out, but FYI with the new beta firmware that came out on 11/17 (and with the alpha that came before it) you can remap the extruders before the print starts. So the tool you slice with as extruder 1 can be set to extruder 2-5 before the print starts.  It should solve the problem you're having, but I still hope they add a priority setting to PrusaSlicer so we can slice with the proper tool order rather than using a workaround.

Posted : 18/11/2023 2:06 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Thanks for the reply. This is not about reassigning extruders but in which order they should print without switching colors. F.e. I want to print white color first which is in E2 and black color second which is in E1. Currently the XL always starts with E1 and not E2. Sometimes this is needed f.e. if your print is more likely to succeed or archieve a better quality if some parts of your print are done before other parts are printed.

At the moment the XL always uses an ascending order for printing. In my example E1 comes always before E2, but I want it explicitly the other way. At the moment I have to switch colors to archive white is being printed first.

Posted : 20/11/2023 7:39 pm
RE: Extruder Print Order (Multi-Tool)

Got the same problem.

I have to sort the filament before every print... This has to be fixed. And is probably not that hard.

If you want to print with differtent size of Nozzles put the largest to Extruder 1 and the smallest to 5.

Posted : 18/06/2024 6:32 pm
RE: Extruder Print Order (Multi-Tool)


Posted : 18/06/2024 9:58 pm
Active Member
RE: Extruder Print Order (Multi-Tool)

I see there is no solution as yet for this topic. Still have no means to reorder tool pick-up in the slicer. The problem is that I would prefer to keep the filaments in standard locations, for instance I keep white in tool 4 and black in tool 5 as these colours always feature somewhere in a model - but every model has a need to order the tool selection according to what the model looks like, thus need to have the means that in the slicer for a particular 3mf that first and last tools can be selected in the order to suit. Is there any work being done on this topic? meantime am forced to physically move filament colours around. 🙁

Posted : 17/11/2024 12:27 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Extruder Print Order (Multi-Tool)

Orcaslicer allows you to assign the order of printing.  It’s hard to find but in the slicer screen next to the build plate there are icons.  One allows you to change the print order.

Posted : 20/11/2024 6:30 pm