Y Layer Shift, Same on 2 prints
I have printed a large model (2days PETG) with PLA supports. The first print exhibited layer shift in the Y axis.
I checked the belt tension with the Prusa app and made a very slight adjustment and printed the model a 2nd time. The layer shift occurred virtually at or near the same layer. It is clear when the prints are placed back to back.
I measured the offset layer from layer 1 for both prints and plotted the result.
What could could cause a systematic y axis layer shift. I checked the sliced model and it shows no evidence of this shift (file attached).
Any Ideas?
RE: Y Layer Shift, Same on 2 prints
I've found the belt tension app to just be a first step / quick check. To really dial in belt tension you should do the homing tower print.
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RE: Y Layer Shift, Same on 2 prints
Have you solved this problem?