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XL Noise driving the doggos crazy  

Eminent Member
XL Noise driving the doggos crazy

OK so I have apparently an unusual issue.

My Prusa printers are located in what a sane household would be the living room.  We call it the printer room 🙂

We have a mk3s and a mini, no problems.  Now that we have a 5T XL, our two dogs both are terrified of the noises it makes.

It seems to be a little less an issue if we are running a print with only one head, but with a multi-head print the dogs go outside and flatly refuse to come back in.  If they are inside they hide under our various computer desks, trembling.

What is it about the XL that is making them crazy?  I presume the noise?  Would taking an enclosure design and lining it with egg-pack help?

We normally run the shaper mode, would the normal mode make any difference? 

Any suggestions are welcome.  Thanks!


Posted : 06/04/2024 12:58 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: XL Noise driving the doggos crazy

Mixed-breed senior citizen doggo hiding under my desk

Evidence - one unhappy doggo (upstairs from printer room, door closed, still unhappy)

Posted : 06/04/2024 1:03 am
Reputable Member
RE: XL Noise driving the doggos crazy

The XL is the noisy one of the Prusa fam. You can try using the 6.0.0-alpha firmware with calibrated phase stepping turned on. It works great for reducing the noise/resonance. But if you're part of the unlucky few it may also affect your print quality. Give it a shot, if it works great then great; if not then just revert back to 5.1.2.


XL-5T, MK3S MMU3 || GUIDE: How to print with multiple-nozzlesizes do read updated replies || PrusaSlicer Fork || Other advanced slicer tactics || TPU

Posted : 06/04/2024 4:13 am
Moto Skwid
Active Member
RE: XL Noise driving the doggos crazy


Posted by: @baconfase

The XL is the noisy one of the Prusa fam. You can try using the 6.0.0-alpha firmware with calibrated phase stepping turned on. It works great for reducing the noise/resonance. But if you're part of the unlucky few it may also affect your print quality. Give it a shot, if it works great then great; if not then just revert back to 5.1.2.


I’ve updated my firmware to 6.0. Per post above seams to reduce some nose.   I would also consider an enclosure I think it helps a lot. 

Posted : 07/04/2024 9:21 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: XL Noise driving the doggos crazy

Just closing the loop...

These two prints made a pretty big difference, not so much to me but the dogs are happier.  Probably dampening out the higher frequencies that bother them more.

Two supports on each panel.  For the underside ones i included felt pads on the contact points, for the sides I didn't bother.

I will do the v6.00 firmware once it's fully baked.  Sounds like there are some issues with it, not going to tangle with that at this point in time.

Posted : 14/04/2024 9:57 pm
RE: XL Noise driving the doggos crazy

If possible, move the dogs to a quieter area away from the source of the XL noise. This could be a different room in the house or a spot outside where the noise is less intense.

Posted : 15/04/2024 10:40 am
RE: XL Noise driving the doggos crazy

XL noise must mean extra loud noise.! Poor doggos, they must be feeling pretty stressed out. Have you tried anything to help them cope, like playing calming music or finding a quieter space for them?

Posted : 17/04/2024 5:35 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: XL Noise driving the doggos crazy

just a thought..

do you have a Smart phone?
if you do, can you download an 'Audio Spectrum Analyser'  which should give you an indication of what frequency noises are occuring and at what frequencies. 
Dogs have much more sensitive hearing than humans, so they may be much more sensitive to higher frequencies that we are. 
if you run the spectrum analyser whilst youdo the tests, you may be able to see when the noise the dogs don't like, is present.

Mk3 and Mini, only have one power supply each, I think your XZ Multitool, has tw or three power supplies, depending upon which version you have it's possible one or more of these, are 'Noisy'

your Mk3 and Mini, only have one heatbed each, 
your XL has 16 heatbeds
could it be, that the dogs can hear the heatbed switching noise?   (changing heat bed load requirements during a print, may cause noise directly, or indirectly by loading the power supplies

your Mk3 and Mini, only have one motor on the x axis and one motor on the Y axis The XL uses two motors for most X or Y Movements 
(Only 45 degree X or Y Movements use one motor)

It's probably worth trying a couple of tests to see when the dogs object

I presume they don't object when the XL is turned off... 
Is the printer in an enclosure? If yes, do the dogs object to JUST The enclosure being ON?

do the dogs object to the XL being turned on. on it's own (without the enclosure if you have one)

do the dogs object to the printer ' pre heating'  when only the heaters and fans are operating? 

If the dogs object to the printer pre heating can you go  into settings and reduce the heatbed temperature to say 15C, which will effectively turn the heatbed off. 

Hopefully you will be able to see something on the audio frequency analyser, that occurs at the same time as your dogs, get upset. 

If this is the case, then you may be able to identify the source of the noise by moving the analyzer around and watching when it gets louder and quieter. and  you may be able to touch things,  like power supply cases, motors or parts of your XL to help identify what is causing the noise. 

I Hope this helps, 


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 17/04/2024 9:56 am
Acht liked
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: XL Noise driving the doggos crazy

I do have a smartphone, and have played with the spectrum analyzer.  My microphone seems to not be very good though.  I have great difficulty getting a reading on Prusa's belt tensioning tool also, for example.

The key bit though was quieting the rattle of the bottom panel.  I noticed as I was redoing calibrations that resting my arm on it made a significant difference just to my ears.  Its mounting screws were tight.  After I printed and installed the resonance damper linked above they quit being so upset.


Posted : 17/04/2024 12:33 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: XL Noise driving the doggos crazy

Good result 😃 



I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 18/04/2024 10:20 pm
Honorable Member
RE: XL Noise driving the doggos crazy

FYI with the new 6.0 firmware my XL is very quiet now.  All of my previous nose complaints are solved.

Posted : 02/05/2024 1:03 pm
Acht liked