What should an XXL look like?
Just out of curiosity, if Prusa were to create an XXL, what should it be like?
My take is a 5-head system (with better cooling of course, like the MK4S). Size is 5x5 heat bed tiled size using a closed loop system for X, Y, and Z-movement.
RE: What should an XXL look like?
Just out of curiosity, if Prusa were to create an XXL, what should it be like?
My take is a 5-head system (with better cooling of course, like the MK4S). Size is 5x5 heat bed tiled size using a closed loop system for X, Y, and Z-movement.
I doubt it will happen. The XL is already getting resistance because of its size and price. Instead I think they will release an ultra-large format printer under their Pro line. They have the HT90 and I bet we'll see a Pro core-XY within a year or two, but I also bet it will have a price aimed at industrial and professional customers. The HT90 is $10k and I wouldn't be surprised if their next Pro printer costs double that.
Instead of an even larger printer - which few people will actually buy - my bet is they're working on a medium-sized core-XY. Something to compete with the Bambu and Creality printers that are currently dominating that segment.
- single toolhead
- horizontal bowden/umbilical
- fully enclosed
- optional MMU
Keep the price under $2000 and they'll sell a tonne of them.