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Scraper Tool  

Ryan Mik
Scraper Tool

I would love to see Prusa add a scraper tool to replace one (or 2 depending on how large it is) of the 5 tool heads. With the ability of Prusa Connect to add things to a que and set the printer ready, I feel as though the addition of an automated part removal tool used in the tool changer setup would be extremely beneficial for this printer. I have been printing with my textured build sheet using PETG and every single time I remove the print, it practically slides off when the build plate has cooled down.

Features on this would be a scraper tool with a built in loadcell that could make sure it doesn't push too hard thus avoiding damage. As well as a Prusa slicer function that enables that scraper feature if the tool is available. Enabling the scraper feature would add G-code to the end of the print to wait until the bed has cooled sufficiently, center the toolhead on the X-Axis on the part that was just printed using the already calculated part location calculation for bed cell heating, raise the build plate, and move along the Y-Axis until it reaches -9 or if the loadcell reaches a set limit. If the scraper head movement was successful, run the head again where the purge tower was, and again where the initial purges are at the beginning of the print. As long as the loadcell never hit its limit, set printer as ready and it can continue printing parts from the que. With the filament checks and everything else, I don't see why this wouldn't be possible. I would certainly be willing to sacrifice a toolhead or 2 in order to automate mass production of something or a list of things that I set in a que.  


This topic was modified 8 months ago by Ryan Mik
Posted : 12/06/2024 3:54 pm