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Consistent layer shifts using FW 6.2.2  

Consistent layer shifts using FW 6.2.2

I have been having consistent layer shifts running FW 6.2.2 on my 2 tool XL. Belt tensions have been set and re-tested as well as varied slightly. All the stepper pulley set screws are tight. On the same part, and the exact same layer, you can hear the x/y steppers stutter and cause an offset. The prints are single wall LW-PLA. Printing speeds are 40mm/s and travel speeds are the default 400mm/sec. Acceleration controls are factory settings. Smaller parts print perfectly, reguardless of their height. 

Veröffentlicht : 18/03/2025 4:38 pm
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Consistent layer shifts using FW 6.2.2


 Going back to 6.1.3 did not resolve the issue. 

Reducing the travel max acceleration value did not resolve the issue. 

There is no collison, and the issue seems to happen during layer change. 

This is almost acting like the issues I had at one point with another brand printer when writing to the USB for power recovery. Any help would be greatly appreciated here. I bought this printer just for this project and this is getting very frustrating. 

Veröffentlicht : 18/03/2025 6:37 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Consistent layer shifts using FW 6.2.2

There's still a bug in the firmware causing layer shifts with gyroid infill, so if you use gyroid, it might be worth checking if switching to a different infill pattern helps.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Veröffentlicht : 18/03/2025 9:59 pm
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Consistent layer shifts using FW 6.2.2

Interesting,  I do happen to be using gyroid as that is what the airframe design needs. That being said I did try a few more trouble shooting ideas and got some positive progress.

1-Changed out the USB to a Sandisk with no change

2-Tried cloud based download vs prusa link vs direct download, no change

3-Disabled everything I could to reduce memory useage, no change

4-marked the pulleys/belt to determine if it was a stepper missing a step, or belt slippage. Verified that slippage was not happeneing. 

5-Slowed the travel speed down to 200, and the travel acceleration to 3000, This seems to eliminate the layer shift, but I am curious if I am just masking a motion control bug? 

Thank you!!


Veröffentlicht : 19/03/2025 1:06 am
RE: Consistent layer shifts using FW 6.2.2

I'm also having issues with my 5 head XL, but only when printing specifiek parts. My issues may be slightly different than your issues, but maybe my experience helps with analyzing these kind of issues.

In my case I'm trying to print a part using Extrudr PETG which has minor overhang (it's a mask, egg shaped at the top) and it kept failing at a certain point, even though I tried 3 different print heads, nozzle temperatures (temp tower filament tuning), support types and orienting the part in a slightly different way. Symptoms here are visible layer shifts, minor spaghetti strings, and some collision sound during (infill) printing. It took 5 hours printing to get to the part where the issues occur. After 5 failed full test prints, I ended up reducing test time by splitting the object and only printing the area that fails, this also excludes that the issue is only caused at a certain printing height.

I found out that I was able to print the test slice correctly with Prusmant PLA. On the test slice part I have fixed my issues by 'removing' infill by using 6 vertical shells perimeters. This is acceptable for my print as it is a mask and there barely is any infill anyways, only at a few spots where the mask is a little bit thicker. I'm now running the full part print again to see if it works for the entire print.

I have the feeling that these kind of printers have a hard time printing parts for which they need to extrude extremely short pieces of filament, like sometimes happens with small infill areas, because they can cause little imperfections/bumps, causing the nozzle to hit it causing layer shifts.

Veröffentlicht : 21/03/2025 11:14 am