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Automatic nozzle scrub & clean function.  

Moto Skwid
Active Member
Automatic nozzle scrub & clean function.

Hey all I wanted to find out if it is possible to create a custom function and have it work as part of all print jobs but without having to edit code or jump through hoops every print job.

What I would like is a nozzle clean function that goes back and forth in X & Y to clean the nozzle. This would happen between every tool change and if the print job was a single head print job it would initiate this function at a timed interval Or maybe between every couple of layers. All with the goal of keeping the nozzle crispy clean and free of buggers. Is it possible? And could it be included automatically in all print jobs without adding to Gcode manually?

fyi: I do have the brass wire brushes installed on my XL and yes it does 1 pass of the wire brush every time the tool head changes but I want it to scrub the nozzle like you would do manually with brush.

Back story. I own a Stratasys Dimension SST1200EST printer, that I am now retiring with the XL. Believe it or not this printer cost 34K back in its day. I paid 15K used in 2008. I've been waiting for my XL for a long time to phase this old printer out. "if your not familiar these guys are the original inventors of FDM technology back in the 80-90s. This function was part of the standard print job and would clean the nozzle between every filament change. It would go back and forth in y about 6 times or so. This machine had a toggle head that would switch back and forth from ABS to soluble support filament.

This is one function on the XL that seems like a no-brainer and should already be part of the firmware. It's simply preventative, keep nozzles clean = less problems!

Posted : 07/04/2024 9:23 am
You liked
Illustrious Member

Printer Settings > Custom G-code > Tool change G-code

Add your custom code there.

But I have found no need for extra cleaning, even 0.6mm nozzles hardly pick up filament if it is properly dried.


Posted : 07/04/2024 4:25 pm
Brian liked
Moto Skwid
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Automatic nozzle scrub & clean function.


Posted by: @diem

Printer Settings > Custom G-code > Tool change G-code

Add your custom code there.

But I have found no need for extra cleaning, even 0.6mm nozzles hardly pick up filament if it is properly dried.


So once the custom code is created is it stored in the printer permanently?  And to create the code would it be similar or the same as creating a custom post for CNC machining OR is it an entirely different thing? 

Posted : 07/04/2024 9:14 pm
JP Guitars
Reputable Member
RE: Automatic nozzle scrub & clean function.

No the custom code would remain in the slicer and would be added to the generated gcode for each tool change when you slice the model.  And yes the code would be similar to cnc code because they are both gcode. Gcode is just a set of instructions for a machine to do something, a 10mm move on the X axis is the same whether the movement relates to a cnc head or an extruder head.

Posted : 07/04/2024 10:08 pm
Illustrious Member

@jp-guitars has the essence.  The added G-code will become part of the printer definition; initially one-off but if you save it, creating a new printer definition, it remains in the slicer and each time you slice using that definition it is applied.  It is only in the printer when a G-code file using your new definition is loaded so you can revert at will.

A little out-of-date but there should be enough for your needs here:


Posted : 08/04/2024 12:00 am
Honorable Member
RE: Automatic nozzle scrub & clean function.

Or just add these.

Posted : 08/04/2024 4:24 am
carlmmii liked
Active Member
RE: Automatic nozzle scrub & clean function.

I did just make this brush which uses no hardware or 3rd party printer parts:

I do have this bit of 'boogery' petg-cf printing at .8mm and would enjoy having a command to tell the nozzle to run through these brushes (periodically, though every layer would be ok as well). 


Posted : 28/05/2024 9:09 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Automatic nozzle scrub & clean function.


I agree that filament may need to be dried, but to say that 90% of the problems posted here are from damp filament is absurd and tells me you really don’t know what you’re writing about. The OP states that they need to have the nozzles cleaned. That has absolutely nothing to do with needing to dry the filament. It’s an inherent issue with the XL as a toolchanger that Prusa does not fully understand yet. Perhaps there will eventually be a proper wipe station which when traveled to momentarily ignores the load cell. Who knows…


when you post erroneous information based on ignorance due to no real experience with this device you do a disservice to Prusa and you make it even harder for new users to get up to proficiency. 

Posted : 03/06/2024 4:00 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Automatic nozzle scrub & clean function.

I converted electronics cabinets into a drybox that I print directly from for all of my printers.  Each drybox can supply pup to 6 rolls at once from for printing and store an additional 3 total of 9.  It definitely makes a difference in print quality and oozing especially with PETG. 

It's currently sitting at 13% RH and no desiccant is needed. 

All of this being said I still always check the nozzles before starting a print to make sure they are clean.  This is very important if you're machine is using the nozzle to probe the bed.

Posted : 03/06/2024 5:33 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Automatic nozzle scrub & clean function.


Posted by: @tobycwood

I doubt that you actually have a toolchanger or you would see it for yourself. 

Ha ha, this is humerus.  Did you read what I wrote?  I agree that the stock Prusa presets are pretty good.  They might require a little healing but they are really close.

Anyways check out this wheel I printed with a pla support on my not a toolchanger XL.  You can see the white ring on the bottom that supported the large fillet off the bed.


Posted : 03/06/2024 8:33 pm
Estimable Member

Moto Skwid, assuming you set up the nozzle brush positioning and wiping action with GCode, you should be able to get the back and forth action with some additional GCode. There are tons of examples of how we do it with Klipper on Discord.

Sorry Moto Skwid, but I've got to back Diem here.  I too live in a very humid area, and must keep my filament in dry boxes, or I have nothing but trouble.  I agree that wet filament doesn't cause 90% of all printing problems everywhere, but it causes most of mine. 

And it's equally wrong to claim that wet filament is not a significant cause of many of the problems discussed in these forums.  In my opinion, wet filament is the major cause of oozing, oozing is the major cause of filament induced auto bed leveling problems with the MK4 and since the XL uses the same method, on the XL as well. It also causes bed adhesion problems, filament jams, and all kinds of appearance abnormalities.  If I were to summarize all the advice I've read from Diem, it would be to consider the possibility of wet filament as a  frequent contributing factor to most filament related problems.   And is why tool head brushing is such a commonly sought after feature.

This post was modified 10 months ago by Lynn
Posted : 04/06/2024 12:34 am