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5 head semi/assembled shipping window?  

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Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:

This is getting ridiculous.  Are they shipping 5 head semis or not?  If so from the 7 Aug???  I had a pretty early order slot, and I’ve gotten nothing.  The note on the shipping table hasn’t changed in weeks and means nothing since we don’t know how many orders there were, whet time they were placed (and our place in the que), and how fast orders are going out.  What a crap show.


Questo post è stato modificato 1 year fa da MileHigh3Der
Postato : 14/09/2023 8:17 pm
ssill2 hanno apprezzato
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

Who the heck knows.   I'm glad that dhl will be delivering my mk3->mk4 upgrade kits today so that satiates me a bit.  my fully assembled was also aug 7th date lol.  They told me though about two weeks ago though that both the xl and the upgrade kits would ship second half of sept, so that makes them 50% right so far lol

I'm crossing my fingers for you sir.

Posted by: @milehigh3der

This is getting ridiculous.  Are they shipping 5 head semis or not?  If so from the 7 Aug???  I had a pretty early order slot, and I’ve gotten nothing.  The note on the shipping table hasn’t changed in weeks and means nothing since we don’t know how many orders there were, whet time they were placed (and out place in the que), and how fast orders are going out.  What a crap show.



Postato : 14/09/2023 8:21 pm
Estimable Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

I'm a first day order for the dual semi also. I contacted Prusa 4 times about changing it to 5h semi. 31/7 they said i could change the order after the 5h semi would start shipping (that was on the 7th), 17/8 they said somewhere in that week, 31/8 i got my order email and contacted them and they said 1-2 weeks, today they said they dont know.In all these times i asked for the reason and their response was that they would pass my feedback and send me an email with an update. Guess what... no emails. Today after the same song i pasted on the chat all the previous claims from them about email updates. The answer. We are sorry and thanks for your patience and we definitely contact you  with an update. As i said to them i dont mind waiting if i know the reason why. Why is it possible to change my order to 5h assembled and not 5h semi assembled which theoretically would take less time preparing? It doesnt make sense except if there are problems with packaging and assembly guides. Issues that should be after so much time. Again prusa is cryptic and with lousy communication. The really funny thing is their reassurance that it doesnt change my queue priority. Waiting for 2 weeks now , and people that ordered a year after getting their single heads but they still have the odacity to claim that my place in the queue is safe. Im also not cancelling my order but i sincerely hope that other companies will adopt the toolchanger (i know that a few started) so on my next purchase i'll order something and not wait for 2 years and a lot of lousy excuses to get it.

Posted by: @milehigh3der

This is getting ridiculous.  Are they shipping 5 head semis or not?  If so from the 7 Aug???  I had a pretty early order slot, and I’ve gotten nothing.  The note on the shipping table hasn’t changed in weeks and means nothing since we don’t know how many orders there were, whet time they were placed (and our place in the que), and how fast orders are going out.  What a crap show.



Postato : 15/09/2023 3:21 pm
Active Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

I poked again yesterday and was told "one month" from now I will be able to change my order to a 5-head semi assembled.

Postato : 15/09/2023 4:54 pm
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

ouch.  hoping it doesn't actually take that long.

Postato : 15/09/2023 4:58 pm
Eminent Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

My original order was Dec 2021 for a single semi-assembled printer.  Was changed to 5 head assembled 3 weeks ago and has shipped.

Postato : 15/09/2023 5:48 pm
ssill2 hanno apprezzato
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

I ordered the fully assembled 5h on 11/18/2021 and I'm still waiting lol 
I got the two MK3->MK4 upgrade kits yesterday so I'll be busy reprinting the parts I printed months ago in anticipation before I dive in to actually upgrading them.  That should give me something to do while I wait for the XL to show up.

Postato : 15/09/2023 5:51 pm
Active Member

I was able to convert my 2 head semi assembled order to a 5 head semi assembled last nite.   Had ordered on day 1, got the email to convert my order a few weeks ago, but had just converted it this week.   When I checked the status of my order,  I tried the edit option again, and was surprised to see I could now select the 5 head semi assembled.     Was not able to when I first converted my order.

  Added $1022 to the cost.   Was worried shipping was going to increase more.     US customer.  

Questo post è stato modificato 1 year fa da NC10
Postato : 20/09/2023 3:46 pm
Girl on the Rocks hanno apprezzato
Girl on the Rocks
Active Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

I took a peep at my order and was able to convert my first day 2-head semi-assembled to a 5-head semi-assembled today.  Finally!! 

Just wanted to point out to anyone waiting that the way I was able to check was to click "Finalize order" and then "change configuration".  At first 5 semi-assembled was not an option but it eventually showed up.

Postato : 21/09/2023 1:10 am
Active Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

I have ordered 5/2023 and i guess i won't have my 5head XL this year. What annoys me is the unclear and missing information about when exactly or approximately it will be delivered. 

On delivery information page there are still on "November 18th, 2021", great, whats does it mean for me?
Yes, I've only been waiting for 4 months, others have been waiting for years, which is actually quite unreasonable.

I really love my Mk4, it's areally great printer but i also need multicolor and i am thinking about to cancel my order to buy a multicolor Bambulab, which is also a good printer...

Postato : 22/09/2023 8:07 am
Eminent Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

Finally completed my preorder conversion to 5 head semi assembled last night, excited to start playing with it. Also curious to see if the email means it’s ready to ship or whether it means it’s another smaller queue.

Postato : 23/09/2023 5:53 pm
Eminent Member

The shipping table is updated with following info:

Update 24th September 2023: We are manufacturing our 3D printers in the EU and we are also looking for as many European and US-based component suppliers as possible. This effort can sometimes be challenging. Due to a current outage at some of our suppliers, we are now shipping more 1-toolhead and 2-toolhead printers. 5-toolhead printers are the most production-intensive and, therefore, most affected by this issue. However, we are still trying to ship as many units as possible. We expect the supply situation to improve in the first half of October.


Postato : 26/09/2023 6:51 am
Estimable Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

The latter. Changed my order from 2h semi to 5h semi on the 18th of Sep. Yesterday they said another 2 weeks to get "information" about the progress of my order.

Posted by: @xilni

Finally completed my preorder conversion to 5 head semi assembled last night, excited to start playing with it. Also curious to see if the email means it’s ready to ship or whether it means it’s another smaller queue.


Postato : 26/09/2023 7:02 am
Estimable Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?


Posted by: @_firstlayer

The shipping table is updated with following info:

Update 24th September 2023: We are manufacturing our 3D printers in the EU and we are also looking for as many European and US-based component suppliers as possible. This effort can sometimes be challenging. Due to a current outage at some of our suppliers, we are now shipping more 1-toolhead and 2-toolhead printers. 5-toolhead printers are the most production-intensive and, therefore, most affected by this issue. However, we are still trying to ship as many units as possible. We expect the supply situation to improve in the first half of October.



If there are still supply issues then why are they not focusing on preparing all the day one orders ? Why did people got their 5h assembled but the semis are delayed? I dont understand when they say they have a problem with components but they ship printers -that make use of these scarce components- to orders placed on april and november 2022.

Postato : 26/09/2023 7:07 am
Kevin Mardirossian
New Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

What I don't understand is why people who preordered single or dual head machines, but then switched to five head once their slot came up, are getting their machines before people who placed their preorder for five head machines first. 

For example, I've seen people who ordered a single head printer the 19th of November, got their "order is ready" email and switched to five head, get their printers before people who originally ordered a five head machine on the 18th of November. 


People who originally ordered five head semi assembled printers are really being affected most and I do not believe that is how Prusa should be handling this.

Postato : 26/09/2023 9:03 am
Jeggo e Line Arc Line hanno apprezzato
Eminent Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

I agree that information provision can be improved. The very impression alone, that first day orders for the 5 head semi-assembled units are pushed back in favor of orders placed later, is not a good one. You lose loyal customers faster than you win them back.

Postato : 26/09/2023 10:16 am
Noble Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

Yes, I ordered my 5h fully assembled XL on day one and still haven't heard anything.  weeks ago they said second half of sept, so MAYBE it'll still happen.  We are quickly running out of September though.   It's frustrating to be sure.  I'm quite curious how "in order" these are being processed.  They've had almost 2 years of lead time so they no how many of each part they'll need.   It's not entirely fair for someone who got in line as a 1h and then switched to get there's ahead of someone who ordered as a 5h in the the first place.   But it'll get here eventually....   and I have my two mk4 upgrade kits to work through so that should tide me over.

Postato : 26/09/2023 10:50 am
Trusted Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

What is this email you all speak about?? The one one that states your order is ready for processing.
I wish. hahaha
Yes I am frustrated like so many of you and sometimes though, a bit of venting helps :))

Postato : 26/09/2023 12:25 pm
Active Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?

"What is this email you all speak about?? The one one that states your order is ready for processing."

I believe so, I received the email on 8/31 (was a 11/18/21 preorder).    Subj of the email was "Your PRUSA XL preorder is almost ready....... Please make the supplementary payment."


Postato : 26/09/2023 12:45 pm
ssill2 hanno apprezzato
Active Member
RE: 5 head semi/assembled shipping window?


Posted by: @ssill2

  It's not entirely fair for someone who got in line as a 1h and then switched to get there's ahead of someone who ordered as a 5h in the the first place.   But it'll get here eventually....   and I have my two mk4 upgrade kits to work through so that should tide me over.


Its not clear how Prusa is handling this.    From the start, when we placed orders in 2021, Prusa said we would be able to update our orders when Prusa was ready to start filling orders.   There was a chance options would change, etc, so I didn't feel locked into the 2 head semiassembled that I ordered.   

So would not be unexpected if they were to ship orders as they were entered rather than sorting by individual SKU/option.       But it appears they are shipping some 1 and 2 head XL orders that were placed later than some unshipped 5 head XL orders, so availability is probably more the key factor.


Postato : 26/09/2023 1:07 pm
ssill2 hanno apprezzato
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