XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)
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XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)  

XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)

After completing the build of my 5 Head XL, I proceeded to the "7. First Run" chapter in the assembly manual using the Wizard function - Dock Position Calibration. Heads 1-3 calibrated successfully, however, heads 4 and 5 returned home during the final step of the calibration and made a clunking sound when attempting to dock on the tool changer, and left the head somewhat skewed on the changer and partially unlocked. Neither head parked properly and failed to calibrate.

I reached out to Prusa support and shared the same, however, the support person had no additional insight except that perhaps the magnets used on the tool changer and tool may not have been installed properly at the factory and are creating a polarization issue between the two. I checked all 5 heads and everything appeared to be installed properly by the Prusa team. The conversation with Prusa support ended with "I will get back to you after I speak with the developers". It has been three days since this conversation and I have not yet heard back.

Have any of you experienced a similar issue? If so, what steps did you take to resolve it?

Posted : 03/01/2024 2:21 pm
Active Member
RE: XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)

I have to admit, my calibrations all went fine, but now that i am slowly starting to use all extruders i had some more "clonks" as well. I recalibrated the docks and then it worked fine.

Regarding the magnets, there is a reddit thread where somebody identified a faulty installed magnet. There was a lot of troubleshooting, maybe you can benefit from it.


Posted : 07/01/2024 10:08 am
Active Member
RE: XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)

Great.  That is the exact same problem I got.  I just mine 1/5/2024 and I am just moving along with 3 heads to test printing.


Where can I start to find how to remedy this

Posted : 07/01/2024 9:53 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)

After patiently waiting for the Prusa support team to get back to me over a couple of days, I decided to disassemble all 5 extruders and reassemble them to see if that may help in the interim. In doing so, I noticed that the docks for 4 & 5 had a slight angle to them, in comparison to the docks for 1-3. As I remounted them I made sure all 5 docks were aligned and reran the dock position calibration wizard. All 5 extruders calibrated perfectly as a result!

I'm no expert, but I believe the mating area of the docks could use a redesign, as there is simply too much of an opportunity to skew them against the extruded channel while tightening the screws, even while placing a lot of focus on getting them as straight as possible.

Posted : 10/01/2024 12:23 am
boaz harel
RE: XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)


I also have a docking problem after all the tools worked good for some time. 
I was able to recalibrate tools 3,4 and 5 (took few few attempts) but tools 1 and 2 docking calibration is unsuccessful over and over.

any ideas?


Posted : 27/02/2024 6:41 am
Active Member
RE: XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)


Posted by: @boaz-harel


I also have a docking problem after all the tools worked good for some time. 
I was able to recalibrate tools 3,4 and 5 (took few few attempts) but tools 1 and 2 docking calibration is unsuccessful over and over.

any ideas?



I'm getting similar. Wouldn't calibrate 3, removed everything back there to slide it as far left as I could. Tried again, and now 1 won't calibrate. I tried other heads and they did, but 1 is still giving me issues. I'll keep disassembling and reassembling until this crappy wrench finally give out I guess.


Did you get it working right? I hope so, it's been a a bit!

Posted : 21/03/2024 11:38 pm
Prominent Member
RE: XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)

I've heard of others with loose docks.  I used 243 Loctite on the screws and used the universal wrench as a cheater bar to make sure the docks don't come loose.  I also removed the honeycomb metal piece to get easier access to the screws.


So far no issues. 

Posted : 22/03/2024 1:01 am
Active Member
RE: XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)

used the universal wrench as a cheater bar to make sure the docks don't come loose

How so? I'm trying to picture it but can't.

I have removed the honeycomb off as well, there would be no way for me to move that bar any other way. That I know of.

I'll give it another try in the morning. It looks like there's a gap, but it is as butted up and tightened as I can get it. Maybe I'm askew ever so slightly?


I'll get there. Eventually.


Posted : 22/03/2024 1:21 am
Prominent Member


Posted by: @suprchunk

used the universal wrench as a cheater bar to make sure the docks don't come loose

How so? I'm trying to picture it but can't.

I have removed the honeycomb off as well, there would be no way for me to move that bar any other way. That I know of.

I'll give it another try in the morning. It looks like there's a gap, but it is as butted up and tightened as I can get it. Maybe I'm askew ever so slightly?


I'll get there. Eventually.



Make sure you don't use a ball end hex wrench either.

Posted : 22/03/2024 3:53 am
New Member
RE: XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)

Hi all, below I'm pasting the the email I sent to ported solid and prusa. I know this was a while back from most.. But figured I'd post here in case anyone had any more ideas 

I will try to aligning the dock for 3 again. As someone mentioned here. 1,2,4 and 5 have finished calibration..I just need to finish 3 somehow.

But if anyone had any more insight, please share.


"I just bought the prusa XL with 5 tool heads assembled (I've owned the mk3s since 2020) from printed solid from the link in the prusa email newsletter to buy from printed solid for US orders. 

The box arrived a bit ripped up despite having a sticker for fragile on it and it arrived Thursday while I was away on business. The printer also looked like it was hit on the side but not dented. The front plastic on the front was also slightly cracked. Photo album with photos and videos on link.

I figured if I can finish calibration and the first print I should be ok despite the damaged packaging and it looked like the printer was roughed up. 

I returned Sunday and started setting up but I was to exhausted to finish the calibration so stopped after tool head 2. Today I was trying to finish the calibration andi continued with tool head 3 docking position and it kept failing. 

  1.   https://photos.app.goo.gl/11CquhoEE7hxMb6P7 I've updated firmware to the latest version offered on your website as of today 6.1.3 . I've tried unscrewing and then screwing the rear docking position. https://photos.app.goo.gl/BDGkv8m1Q72MaWsN6. Any ideas? I continued to do calibration for toolheads 4 and 5 and that was ok

Any ideas?

also how do I keep the cables organized there as it broke a clip already when trying to change from tool head 2 cause the cable was in front of it. So I have to organize them some how."

Never Argue with an idiot...they will drag you to their level and beat you with experience!!!

Posted : 19/11/2024 2:00 am
New Member
RE: XL 5-Head Dock Position Calibration Issue (Semi-Assembled)

So in a comment somewhere under the guide which I can't find again, I found the solution. Turns out it was adjusting the nozzle seal height.. a step I skipped because when I read first room in the assembly manual, I just jumped ahead myself and was doing calibration from lcd prompts and adjusting that isn't a step on the LCD prompts, so I figured I'd finish with the calibration steps and go back at the end and adjust the seal height. I honestly couldn't imagine how that could affect dock positioning calibration.. but I had tried everything that made sense and nothing worked and after hours of researching posts and after asking here and sending an email to prusa and printed solid.. I figured I'll try that and see... And after fixing that the calibration worked.. and I swear someone had mentioned this solution in their comment and I wish I could remember them to give them credit. 

Never Argue with an idiot...they will drag you to their level and beat you with experience!!!

Posted : 19/11/2024 5:07 am