Tool #2 crashes/Is Loose
I am getting a frequent crash when trying to pick tool #2. I inspected the tool docks and tool #2 is loose. Now I am trying to tighten the screw that holds it to the rail, but I am failing badly. I can't get any allen key to bite/make contact with the screw to tighten it. In fact I can't get any of my allen wrenches to engage with the screw for tool #1 either.
Tutorial (Printer setup step 9) says it's a 2.5mm allen key. I have lots of allen wrenches, including a full set of ball-head wrenches. The 2.5mm tool from that set doesn't work, nor do any of the keys that came with the printer. Can someone confirm what size key to use or help me figure out what's going on?
RE: Tool #2 crashes/Is Loose
I finally figured out that I had to remove a part first before I could access the screw.