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[Solved] Power Failure Heatbed (17319)  

Power Failure Heatbed (17319)


after successfully assembling my XL 5 Toolhead with original enclosure, the machine works fine and a first 5-color print was printed without problems. This is what I thought. But at the initial run and calibration, the printer rebooted and reported a power failure of the modular heatbed (error 17319). I updated the firmware (6.1.2) and ignored it for now.

But running the heatbed self test later again, the printer software crashes immediately and reports this error. It is nearly the same as this single tool topic:

I had a chat with Prusa support for some hours. Voltages of the PSUs are OK, the heatbed board has the correct voltage, the cables are checked, re-seated and seem ok.

When the heatbed draws a high current, its board reports a power panic (the LED is lighting). Printing small models with a few heated tiles, like my first test in PLA, does not provoke the power panic. Heating the whole bed in small celsius steps also works. Then, there are no errors regarding faulty tiles and even a check with an infrared camera shows, that all tiles are heated evenly.

The Prusa support will send me a new PD part (lower back part, which powers all PSUs), because they guess that at least one PSU gets a bad AC supply. Well, it might be, but what I read from other users, the cause could be in another part. I even unscrewed the heatbed PCB and left it hanging, since this has helped another user. No change.

Has anybody solved this problem already or has a suggestion?





Posted : 03/09/2024 8:02 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Power Failure Heatbed (17319)

Update: After measuring the voltages (which were stable during power fail), the solution was a defective heatbed sandwich board. I got a new one from Prusa and now it works.

Thanks to the support team!


Posted : 10/09/2024 10:43 pm
ssmith liked