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Massive Layer shift  

Active Member
Massive Layer shift

I just got my fully assembled 5TL XL.  It looks like it has a build date between june and august of 2024 based on the firmware version, based on hardware revisions.  It has the 3d printed lcd cover and the friction fit dwarf cover connectors.  I plan on upgrading the dwarf cover connectors to the newer version.  The only thing I've done to the printer was upgrade the firmware to 6.2.0+8816, swap the factory .4mm nozzles for the .4mm obxidian high flow, and put socks on the heat blocks.  So far I've done the bonkers benchy with zero issue, and a few smaller single color and 2 simple multi color prints with no issue.

I've done 2 taller 12+ hour prints and they both had issues.  the first one had a layer shift about 4" up in the z axis, of about .5mm in the y axis, i didn't reprint it because i think it might still be usable.

the second print had a significant layer shift resulting in spaghetti, i spotted it had failed on my webcam last night and cancelled the print and looked at it this morning.  Bed adhesion was my first thought, but it was still stuck to the build plate the morning after i cancelled it.   In one direction it shifted about 2-3" and in the other direction it shifted maybe about 1-1.5mm... sorry, yes I know I'm a monster for mixing units... the part may have been at an angle though, i don't recall, so it could have been shift all in one axis of the printer.  You can also see the back of one of the parts had very significant stringing, while the other parts all seemed to be fine.  ignore the part orientation, i had already lifted the part from the bed and placed it back down to photograph it.

I'm currently printing a homing tower.  Any idea what's going on?  anything else I should try?  Once the homing tower is done i'll post the results.

Posted : 04/02/2025 4:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Massive Layer shift

Any details you can provide about what you're printing and how?  Include a 3mf file with model and settings? Could be a lot of things, adhesion issues certainly an important one. The other common cause is the nozzle hitting infill, which is more likely with big shifts like this and thin objects like these. I'd switch from the default Grid, which is IMHO evil, especially with PETG,  to cubic. Can't say anything about the XL's HF nozzle but my Mk4S's came with CHT nozzles, which gave me nothing but trouble so I swapped them for regular Obxidians. I have Obxidian regular flow (no socks) nozzles on my XL toolheads but again, I don't know if that's relevant, just an observation.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 04/02/2025 10:09 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:


I left defaults for infill, prusament petg, .2mm speed profile, and the stock printer profile for XL 5T IS HF0.4 nozzle.  Since i'm new to the printer i'm not fussing with much and assuming the Prusa defaults are a good starting point.  I didn't save the 3mf unfortunately, I'll re-slice it, SAVE the 3mf, and print it again.  If it fails again i'll upload the 3mf.  It was just one of the parts for a mk3s lack rack v2 from .  The file is prusa_mmu_enclosure_8.3mf, but i only imported the models, none of the settings, since the 3mf was designed for a mk3.


I am printing the XL homing tower, as found here, .  the presliced gcode's time estimate is very wrong, the est was under 2.5 hours and it's going on 6 hours...  I've seen some comments on the printables link suggesting the sliced extruder temp may be a bit high.  But i'm printing it as prusa sliced it. 

There's a slight layer shift near the top, and some waviness in the body of the tower.  This is printed in some generic elegoo pla+.



Posted : 04/02/2025 10:31 pm