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Prusaslicer manual supports not touching part  

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Active Member
RE: Prusaslicer manual supports not touching part

Yip - a recent upgrade together with the SL1S.

Posted by: @sylviatrilling

Are you using the latest version of PrusaSlicer? 2.4.0?


Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2022 3:55 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusaslicer manual supports not touching part

Yeah I think it's a bug. I'll email support with some files and screenshots and see what they say. If the auto supports didn't work I would lean towards it being the model somehow but there shouldn't be a difference in auto to manual editing. I had some manual supports floating in the air and others that went the whole way through the part. It's not part size either as what I was designing was tiny. They're 3mf files so everything should be included. It's still possible that the bug is in Fusion 360 if the parts you downloaded were made from there but I'm leaning towards Prusaslicer

Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2022 11:17 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusaslicer manual supports not touching part



Your model worked perfectly - I can place custom supports anywhere directly onto the model. I also think I found the issue. I again took the original model and ran it through meshmixers Inspector and fixed all and then hollowed the model.

When I export directly to 3mf from Meshmixer Im able to replicate the error. Taking exactly the same model and exporting to a binary stl - the problem goes away. So I suspect that the Meshmixer export to 3mf does cause some issues. 

Thank you very much indeed for all your assistance!


Posted by: @sylviatrilling

Another attempt at attaching a file: I simplified the model in PrusaSlicer to get the file size down low enough so I could attach the file, this time the .3mf. 


Veröffentlicht : 15/01/2022 3:32 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusaslicer manual supports not touching part



Your model worked perfectly - I can place custom supports anywhere directly onto the model. I also think I found the issue. I again took the original model and ran it through meshmixers Inspector and fixed all and then hollowed the model.

When I export directly to 3mf from Meshmixer Im able to replicate the error. Taking exactly the same model and exporting to a binary stl - the problem goes away. So I suspect that the Meshmixer export to 3mf does cause some issues. 

Thank you very much indeed for all your assistance!


Posted by: @sylviatrilling

Another attempt at attaching a file: I simplified the model in PrusaSlicer to get the file size down low enough so I could attach the file, this time the .3mf. 


Veröffentlicht : 15/01/2022 3:32 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusaslicer manual supports not touching part

Think I found the issue. Export to binary stl from Meshmixer and see whether this fixes your problem too? I havent tested any other models except this one so still need to dig a little to be certain.

Exporting to 3mf from Meshmixer caused the exact issue you had for me (here I could place custom support points in the air by trying to add them to the model) - taking that same model and exporting to bin stl - the issues dissappears and I can accurately place the custom points.


Posted by: @mitchimal


What are you designing in? Was it fusion too? 

I'm simply saving as mesh .3mf then opening in Prusa slicer. The bizarre part for me is that automatic supports work fine but manual doesn't.


Veröffentlicht : 15/01/2022 3:35 pm
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