Tower Axis Check Failed
I'm trying to help a neighbor that assembled an SL1 kit. During the setup step it fails the Tower Axis Check. The full message is
Tower Axis Check Failed
Current Position: 1245
Please check if the ballscrew can move smoothly in its entire range.
The ballscrew doesn't appear to be binding. Is there a step in the assembly that could be incorrect? What else could cause this error?
Best Answer by gnat:
There are two options from the main menu:
- Control > Home Platform
- This will just move the platform to the top of the axis and "bounce" a few times as it confirms the home position.
- Settings > Advanced Settings > Move Platform
- Here you can move the platform up and down at your control. You can use fast and normal moves.
RE: Tower Axis Check Failed
It's been awhile, but from what I recall the Z axis came pre-assembled so unless your friend dropped it otherwise damaged it I don't think there is anything they could have done to cause the error. Check the connection for the stepper to make sure they are oriented correctly. Otherwise my only guess would be that the stepper itself is DOA.
RE: Tower Axis Check Failed
Thank you and I really appreciate the information. We will disassemble the unit and check the connections this weekend.
Is there any diagnostic software to manually run the cantilever to verify the full range and calibration of the Z axis?
RE: Tower Axis Check Failed
There are two options from the main menu:
- Control > Home Platform
- This will just move the platform to the top of the axis and "bounce" a few times as it confirms the home position.
- Settings > Advanced Settings > Move Platform
- Here you can move the platform up and down at your control. You can use fast and normal moves.
RE: Tower Axis Check Failed
Thanks a lot for instructions for manually controlling the platform. It helped identify the problem which was the wrong screw was used to attach the cover and blocked the platform from going all of the way down. tower_axis_check_root_cause.
I appreciate the help debugging this error.