is there a way to automatically return vat to level after print finishes?
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is there a way to automatically return vat to level after print finishes?  

Active Member
is there a way to automatically return vat to level after print finishes?

After a print finishes the resin vat is left tilted. Is there a reason for this if not is there a way to leave it levelled instead - this way when adding resin at the start of the next print allows you to use the marks in the vat to estimate how much is in there. I am aware there is a manual option to do this but it seems like an easy fix to avoid a few more clicks. 

Posted : 30/09/2019 4:37 pm
New Member
RE: is there a way to automatically return vat to level after print finishes?

I am wondering the same, is it normal that the vat is tilted when idle? I tried homing the vat before turning off the printer but the sl1 tilts the vat again and then turns off.

Posted : 16/10/2019 2:47 pm