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SL1S Shipping Schedule?  

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Eminent Member
Printing Platform changed?


Veröffentlicht : 28/07/2021 10:43 pm
Eminent Member
Order Date

I ordered my SL1s and CW1s bundle on 24.06.

No further information so far.

Veröffentlicht : 28/07/2021 10:45 pm
Eminent Member
Posted by: @mibauer


Unfortunately, I don't have an SL1 to compare to my SL1S.  From what I've heard, I *believe* they're compatible, although I'm not entirely sure given how relatively close that bracket runs to the top of the SL1 platform.  I don't see anything there, though, that would make me believe that something *like* that wouldn't work just fine.

Veröffentlicht : 28/07/2021 11:11 pm
mibauer gefällt das
ROSLAN Additive Solutions
Active Member
Shipping table

Thank you guys for answering. So far we have this information about shipping states:


@Area51 | SL1S Upgrade | 18.06.21 | Not shipped

@mibauer | SL1S/CW1S | 24.06.21 | Not Shipped

@ROSLAN | SL1S/CW1S | 10.07.21 | Not Shipped

Veröffentlicht : 29/07/2021 7:52 pm
Eminent Member
Got one!

Mine has shipped and arrived in good order, so they *are* getting them out the door, however.  🙂

Posted by: @roslan

Thank you guys for answering. So far we have this information about shipping states:


@Area51 | SL1S Upgrade | 18.06.21 | Not shipped

@mibauer | SL1S/CW1S | 24.06.21 | Not Shipped

@ROSLAN | SL1S/CW1S | 10.07.21 | Not Shipped


Veröffentlicht : 30/07/2021 6:48 am
Eminent Member
Bundle with black/grey resin

I asked Prusa for a delivery date some time ago, as the stated delivery period (end of June/beginning of July) was not met.I was then assured that my SL1s/CW1s bundle will be shipped in early August if everything goes according to plan.

Well, I have my doubts about that.

One of the reasons I asked Prusa was that my bundle still included a black resin. Only this was no longer available or completely removed from the store. The bundle was also changed and gray resin was added.

Supposedly, this has no influence on my delivery date.

Again, something I doubt.

Veröffentlicht : 30/07/2021 9:40 pm
Eminent Member

Mine actually came with a small bottle of orange, (500g) and a large (1kg) bottle of black.  So they might be just shipping what they've got, I was expecting 2kg of orange, from having talked to them beforehand.  I'm definitely not concerned about it, though.  I wouldn't use that as a meter of shipping time, myself, I'd just expect to get random color in your shipment.  

Posted by: @mibauer

I asked Prusa for a delivery date some time ago, as the stated delivery period (end of June/beginning of July) was not met.I was then assured that my SL1s/CW1s bundle will be shipped in early August if everything goes according to plan.

Well, I have my doubts about that.

One of the reasons I asked Prusa was that my bundle still included a black resin. Only this was no longer available or completely removed from the store. The bundle was also changed and gray resin was added.

Supposedly, this has no influence on my delivery date.

Again, something I doubt.


Veröffentlicht : 30/07/2021 9:49 pm
Eminent Member
I hope so...

From what I've read about Prusa's delivery reliability, I'm not so sure. But your report regarding the resin color gives me a little hope. Thank you!

Veröffentlicht : 30/07/2021 9:56 pm
Eminent Member
Fingers Crossed

Yeah, I certainly wouldn't count on that as any kind of sign that you *are* on track for sure, but I wouldn't let it worry me unduly either, I think.  They are definitely shipping at least some, so hang in there, you'll have it before *too* long!

Posted by: @mibauer

From what I've read about Prusa's delivery reliability, I'm not so sure. But your report regarding the resin color gives me a little hope. Thank you!


Veröffentlicht : 30/07/2021 10:15 pm
ROSLAN Additive Solutions
Active Member
Shipping table


Posted by: @komitadjie

Mine has shipped and arrived in good order, so they *are* getting them out the door, however.  🙂

Posted by: @roslan

Thank you guys for answering. So far we have this information about shipping states:


@Area51 | SL1S Upgrade | 18.06.21 | Not shipped

@mibauer | SL1S/CW1S | 24.06.21 | Not Shipped

@ROSLAN | SL1S/CW1S | 10.07.21 | Not Shipped


Can you tell us your order date?

Veröffentlicht : 31/07/2021 2:57 pm
Eminent Member
Delivery Table

Will there be a delivery table for the SL1s / CW1s before it´s too late?


Posted by: @jakub-dolezal-2
Posted by: @mibauer


Thanks for the update!

Can we expect continuous shipment on daily basis?

Could we have a delivery table or forecast according to the order week? So which order week will be shipped in which week? Kind of like the MINI+ ?

And what about the accessories? For example, when will the activated carbon filter and spare screen, stainless steel tank and lid (CWS1) be available for order?

I have otherwise printers from Zortrax and am very suspicious about the delivery times due to this experience.

Thank you very much! I am already very excited about the SL1S Speed and CW1S and hope the decision against the Inkspire from Zortrax was right.

Hi Mibauer,

to your questions:

- Yes, we will ship SL1S/CW1S continuously. We have a stock of parts, so there shouldn't be any delay.

- Regarding the delivery table, I will ask colleagues to create one.

- Spare parts are partly on the eshop, the rest will be added in the upcoming days. I have approved the SL1S/CW1S parts last week.

Looking forward to seeing your first print results. Our external testers are already pushing the limits 🙂 


Veröffentlicht : 31/07/2021 9:05 pm
Eminent Member


Posted by: @roslan


Posted by: @komitadjie

Mine has shipped and arrived in good order, so they *are* getting them out the door, however.  🙂

Posted by: @roslan

Thank you guys for answering. So far we have this information about shipping states:


@Area51 | SL1S Upgrade | 18.06.21 | Not shipped

@mibauer | SL1S/CW1S | 24.06.21 | Not Shipped

@ROSLAN | SL1S/CW1S | 10.07.21 | Not Shipped


Can you tell us your order date?

Sure, I am one of the folks that got upgraded from a SL1, I ordered on May 13th, and received it on July 15.  

Veröffentlicht : 31/07/2021 9:09 pm
ROSLAN Additive Solutions
Active Member
Shipping table v2

Alrighty, then we have this information about the schedule:


@Komitadjie | SL1S/CW1S | 13.05.21 | Shipped and received

@Area51 | SL1S Upgrade | 18.06.21 | Not shipped

@mibauer | SL1S/CW1S | 24.06.21 | Not Shipped

@ROSLAN | SL1S/CW1S | 10.07.21 | Not Shipped

Veröffentlicht : 01/08/2021 5:53 pm
Estimable Member
Shipping status

You can add me - SL1S upgrade, ordered 16/6/21, not shipped (yet)

Veröffentlicht : 02/08/2021 9:20 pm
Prominent Member
Shipping Status

Another data point, SL1S upgrade ordered 16-06-21, as yet not shipped

Veröffentlicht : 03/08/2021 7:09 am
Estimable Member
Another status

You can add mine too: SL1 -> SL1S upgrade, ordered 19/6, not shipped.


Veröffentlicht : 03/08/2021 7:38 am
ROSLAN Additive Solutions
Active Member
Shipping Table v3

Thank you @mikeh-2, @olef and @ejberg for participating.

The current table now looks like this:


@komitadjie | SL1S/CW1S | 13.05.21 | Shipped and received

@mikeh-2 | SL1S Upgrade | 16.06.21 | Not Shipped

@olef | SL1S Upgrade | 16.06.21 | Not Shipped

@area51 | SL1S Upgrade | 18.06.21 | Not shipped

@ejberg | SL1S Upgrade | 19.06.21 | Not Shipped

@mibauer | SL1S/CW1S | 24.06.21 | Not Shipped

@roslan | SL1S/CW1S | 10.07.21 | Not Shipped


Looks like shipping has not yet arrived at orders that have been placed around mid-june. I would really appreciate it if you guys keep us updated when your orders get updated.

Veröffentlicht : 03/08/2021 7:54 am
mibauer gefällt das
Eminent Member
Early August (2021).... I was told

I was "assured" by Prusa just under a month ago that my SL1s/CW1s would be shipped in early August 2021.

Well, we've reached that time frame in the meantime, but so far there is absolutely no delivery in sight.

Likewise, they continue to ignore giving us a detailed shipping table so we can at least estimate how much late our printers will be delivered.

This does not give us much confidence.

Veröffentlicht : 03/08/2021 11:07 pm
Active Member
Shipping Status

Ordered upgrade on 06/17/2021, not shipped yet sadly

Veröffentlicht : 03/08/2021 11:43 pm
Pixel Dust
Active Member
Original Prusa SL1S SPEED 3D printer + Curing and Washing Machine CW1S BUNDLE history

Here's my actual experience with ordering and shipping, so that others might benefit from this retelling:

I ordered this bundled combination on 6/17/2021.  On the same day, I tried to add some spare resin tanks to the order, along with an extra charcoal filter for fumes, but was rebuffed, Prusa telling me that the spares were reserved for existing customers.  I placed a separate order for those items thereafter, on June 19th, hoping that they wouldn't be delayed until my original order for the printer combo was fulfilled.

Curiously, Prusa then filled that order for me, even though my original order had not yet been shipped.  I received the spares on July 26, 2021 via UPS, after a wait of about five days.

Thereafter, I received a series of update emails from Prusa, relating the status of my main order.

On July 29th, 2021, FedEx announced that Prusa had given them the preliminary information for the shipping of the main combo order.  On August 2nd, I exchanged information with the FedEx agent, Ms. Ball, for handling the import paperwork for customs.  With her very helpful guidance, and several emails exchanged with Prusa's Mr. Vavrek, I managed to fill-out the paperwork, and the package cleared customs yesterday.

Both people were quick to respond to my questions and emails; snaps to both of them!

The only part of the process that made me a wee bit uncomfortable was the requirement that I certify to the US EPA the status of the nature of the shipment relative to the US TSCA, but Mr. Vavrek answered those questions for me, and I followed his instructions regarding the character of the certification and filled out the paperwork accordingly.

Seven weeks from start to delivery is just about what Prusa initially advised would take place, and so it did.  According to FedEx, the packages are on the truck for delivery by noon today; if that works out, then count me as a very satisfied customer.

Veröffentlicht : 04/08/2021 3:36 pm
mibauer gefällt das
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