SL1 Print platform
If past experience with parts is any indicator, I suspect it will be a long LONG while before one can order a second print platform. But I see this as ultimately a consumable, given the abuse it gets.
Additionally, I'd really like to have a second one so I could print while something else is being cleaned up.
I checked Github and didn't see any repo for SL1 hardware designs.
Anyone have info either on ordering one or CAD drawings (and alloy information) to make a non-anodized one on the mill?
RE: SL1 Print platform
Scratch that. Turns out, it's in the store (and at a very reasonable price), but you can't see it unless you are logged in as an SL1 owner.
It's $30 for a new print platform, $60 for a resin tank. $60 for a UV LED, $75 for a new display (although it is currently out of stock)