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Resin Leaks between tank and frame  

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Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Resin Leaks between tank and frame

Day 11: after 20 something 3-5h prints, I have finally drained the tank. Mainly to get ready to move to a new house. Still no sign of leaks at all. Still holding up extremely well.

Veröffentlicht : 24/11/2020 8:41 pm
gnat gefällt das
Estimable Member
RE: Resin Leaks between tank and frame

Perfect - thanks for the quick response.


Veröffentlicht : 24/11/2020 9:59 pm
Noble Member
RE: Resin Leaks between tank and frame

Unprompted I heard from Prusa this morning. Now they are acknowledging that I'm not the only one with this issue and they are looking into possible tank redesigns. Good news to hear.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Veröffentlicht : 25/11/2020 2:51 pm
Noble Member
RE: Resin Leaks between tank and frame

It feels like it never ends with this printer... 

I mentioned the disaster with flexible resin. I assumed that it was not having the exposure times correct, but it turns out that the LCD is messed up. It only has 161 hours on it according to the firmware.

Working it with Prusa, but as the cable and connection looks good I expect that resin from one of the leaks or products used to clean it up leaked into the panel or one of the times I had to remove the panel to clean under it it might have gotten bumped.

So potentially another side effect of the leaking tanks is a risk of damaging the LCD either directly or during the cleanup.

At least I thought ahead and ordered a spare LCD when I ordered the printer so I won't have to wait for a new one (currently out of stock) once I see what Prusa may want to do about it.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2020 4:45 pm
Noble Member

Looks like Prusa resolved the issue with the SL1S tank:

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Veröffentlicht : 17/07/2021 1:29 am
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
Title for reply wut?


Posted by: @gnat

Looks like Prusa resolved the issue with the SL1S tank:

Nice, I wasn't aware there was an SL1S model yet. Been a bit busy, however still printing strong with the o-ring and original FEP from the 24/11/2020 post =D It survived a move, and probably easily another 20-30 prints so far.

Veröffentlicht : 17/07/2021 2:01 am
Eminent Member
So far, so good!

At least so far, no sign of any leak with water in my early testing.  I'm nearing the end of my second pre-sliced example print, after which I'll pull the tank and examine it after resin fill time of about 6 hours and a bit, with photos and impressions.  So far, the SL1S has performed exactly as I'd hoped it would.

Veröffentlicht : 17/07/2021 6:49 am
New Member

I put white lubricating grease in the channel for the frame, then the FEP film and the frame on it and screwed, and again some grease in the channel. Of course you have to wash the tank clean after that procedure.

Veröffentlicht : 17/08/2022 8:14 am
New Member
Grease is the world

5 prints now without any resin leaking on the LCD any more!

History: my tank started leaking strongly 3 weeks ago, so I cleaned the LCD with alcohol and a metal scraper (capital sin!). Results got worse and worse,  the LCD display was "dying", more leaking, more alcohol, more scraper. In teh end after 2 weeks even the most simple prints became scrap.
I bought a new LCD display, sealed the tank with grease, and now ( 5 printings later) the results are like before - perfect. And no more leaking any more.
I think the dying state of my maltreated LCD display (800 hours runtime)  played also a role in my problems. 
And maybe room temperature ( 27 before, 22 now)?????


Veröffentlicht : 19/08/2022 12:15 pm
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