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Different print speed if MMU is attached  

Trusted Member
Different print speed if MMU is attached

I recently upgraded from my MK3S+ with MMU3 to an MK3.5 with MMU3. During this process, I noticed that there are different print and filament profiles—one set for the MK3.5 alone and another with the MMU. The MMU is merely the filament changer, and I understand that different start scenarios and filament change scenarios need to be developed to ensure smooth filament changes.

However, the filament profiles differ by 20 degrees Celsius, and the print profiles have significantly altered acceleration values, which heavily impact print time. I understand that more heat might be needed to melt the filament faster, but it's still the same machine. By adjusting the ramming values, I can achieve the same filament tips at lower temperatures. So why do I have to sacrifice speed just because I've attached an MMU?

Printing PLA and PETG at the same time? See the Guide for MultiMaterialSupports ----- Ejecting Buffer cassettes is not satisfying? May the Fork be with you!

Posted : 27/08/2024 11:31 am
RE: Different print speed if MMU is attached

There are also strange profiles changes in Slicer for 0.6 nozzle.
Posted : 27/08/2024 4:59 pm