Release Printbed on Canceled Prints - GCode for this?
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Release Printbed on Canceled Prints - GCode for this?  

Reputable Member
Release Printbed on Canceled Prints - GCode for this?

I'm using OctoPrint on my Prusa Mk3.5. When I cancel the print, the print bed is locked in place and the printhead is exactly where it was when I cancelled the print. I know I can move the printhead up to the top with:

;Move Z to the top
G210 Z

(If I'm wrong, please let me know. My understanding is G90 specifies absolute positioning and G210 Z moves the head up to Z=210.)

That's a big help, since it lets me get in to clean up the failed print, but the printbed is still locked in place and I can't easily slide it forward to clean it up. What can I add as a post-cancel command on OctoPrint to release the printbed or Y Axis motors so I can move it by hand without forcing it? (Currently the code is M84 in the post-cancel script, but the printbed is still firmly in place.)

Posted : 28/07/2024 6:58 pm