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What could i do to fix this?  

Eminent Member
What could i do to fix this?

So i recently bought amazons petg and have had a few good prints. then suddenly this happens. First layers are fine then it gets fuzzy.

0.6 nozze

240 Celsius 

Posted : 27/06/2024 6:59 am
Reputable Member

Others will maybe have better ideas, but these are my thoughts: (underextrusion)
- temperature setting could be not fitting to the filament -> print temperature tower and check what is best for this filament 
- could this filament be not dry enough? You probably got it in a closed plastic bag + box. 
- could there be a partial clog in the nozzle? 

We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Posted : 27/06/2024 8:10 am