MMU3 Overcurrent/Overvoltage Issue, Grounding Issue
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MMU3 Overcurrent/Overvoltage Issue, Grounding Issue  

Active Member
MMU3 Overcurrent/Overvoltage Issue, Grounding Issue

Hello All,


I previously had trouble with the MMU3 on my MK4S [link], which was eventually resolved when I ordered a new MMU2S board [link]. Now, I'm having a problem that seems to have been around for a while: and overcurrent/overvoltage error being thrown after attempting to boot twice. This has already been discussed on the github back in April [link], and on this forum in May [link]. However, my situation is slightly different.


I saw the incident that caused this behavior to start. I was about to insert a thumb drive (the one Prusa includes with the printer), when a small bolt of static arched from the usb port to the drive. After that, the printer screen blacked out for a few seconds before restarting, and then began giving me the error exactly as described in the github bug report. Boots once, then fails and restarts, boots a second time and throws the error. I'm not sure if I did something wrong in the construction of my printer (as it was a kit), but previously it was speculated that this issue was due to manufacturing defects, but this incident shows it might be because of improper grounding frying a component/connection.


So my question is: what should I do now? I'm thinking I should contact customer support and try to get a replacement. From the previously referenced forum post, I can try and add extra resistors to the wire connections to get it working again. But I'm also concerned that I have enough static charge building on my printer that it's striking through the usb port... What do I do about that?


Thank you,


Posted : 31/12/2024 5:26 pm
Reputable Member
RE: MMU3 Overcurrent/Overvoltage Issue, Grounding Issue

Hey Follow makr,

any follow up to issue? find solution? did prusa support help?

Prusa MK3 > MK4s
Prusa MK2.5 kit > MK3 > MK3s > MK4s
Prusa SL1 3D printer + Curing and Washing Machine (day1 order)
Taz6 - taken apart for space
CR10s4 - upgrading
Delta 3ku - dont use

Posted : 22/01/2025 4:06 pm
RE: MMU3 Overcurrent/Overvoltage Issue, Grounding Issue

So I've read lots of posts and I'm guessing Prusa tech guys follow this forum (hopefully).  Is there a definitive solution?  I have a MK4S, (kit version) latest firmware.  I bought the MMU3 (assembled) a month ago... installed it a week or so ago.  Updated the MMU3 to the latest firmware.  Got a few awesome prints out of it then this.  Disconnected it and printer boots up fine.  I've read about a lot of potential "fixes" but I'd like to get a solid answer from the people that produced it before I go all MacGyver on it.  Quite frustrating.


Posted : 14/02/2025 1:15 am
Estimable Member
RE: MMU3 Overcurrent/Overvoltage Issue, Grounding Issue

The issue finally has been properly diagnosed and resolved.  Replace C96 on the xBuddy board with 100nF capacitor.  Prusa has just recently become aware of this but hasn’t yet committed to a course of action.

Posted : 02/03/2025 9:07 am