MK4 Freezes with midprint with MMU3 firmware 6.1.2
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MK4 Freezes with midprint with MMU3 firmware 6.1.2  

Qubiki 3D
Active Member
MK4 Freezes with midprint with MMU3 firmware 6.1.2

Hello I have issue with MK4 KIT only with 1 printer. Is it possible it is Firmware glitch/bug.My reason of contacting is that my printer with MMU3 on firmware 6.1.2 randomly freezes. I cannot stop or resume print. Only power cycle is working on that printer.This happend to me 2-3 Times. I even changed the USB stick becuase I was thinking that was an issue. Hotend and heatbed is getting hot for PLA temp's but the printer just stops midprint.In longer or shorter prints.Even on prusa connect it is saying print Paused. When I am clicking resume nothing happensOn today's print it just stopped on 1 layer.On my earlier print hot end even scratched the print oozing bunch of filament and stoppedI was checking even mk4 firmware github page in issues if someone reported this kind of bug. But I cannot see nothing like that.This is happening after flashing firmware to 6.1.2

Sorry for long message on board. I just copied what I wrote to prusa support. I wanted to ask if somebody have this issue like mine ?

Posted : 04/09/2024 2:03 am